
10 Rules to Enhance Your Self-Management Skills to A Better Life



Self-management is vital to survive and progress in this modern world. It helps you to improve your performance and guide you to achieve the desired goals.

Well managed and self-efficient individuals are essential for an organization because the person who knows to handle himself can manage others. These skills enable him to communicate and interact with his employees effectively.

Sometimes, we ignore our deficiencies, but we should not forget that the ability to evaluate ourselves often prepares us to manage others.

Definition of Self-Management

Self-management is the capacity that permits individuals to control their emotions, sentiments, and activities. It can also be defined as one’s responsibility for his/her behavior. It is the capacity to organize objectives and assumes responsibility for your duties. 

Why Self-Management Is Important

It is easy to create a long list with the benefits of self-management and self-efficacy, right? But most significantly, you need to know that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.

Self-empowerment is all about preparing for the future. It includes dealing with pressure, postponing delight, impelling oneself, and moving towards individual and professional objectives. 

These tricks can help to groom into a better individual. By employing this expertise, you can recognize more chances and enjoy different exercises to expand your viewpoint and to stay up to date with the evolving patterns.

“Self-management has several components that come together to bring about perceivable change in the personality of an individual.”

― Dr Prem Jagyasi

Key Self-Management Skills

Personal and professional improvements are the results of self-management. It boosts your confidence. Examples of key management skills are the following.

· Time Management

Time never stops. It does not wait for anyone. So it is imperative to manage your time. Train yourself to be proactive and productive. Devise a comprehensive system to structure your work schedule. Organize your things to utilize time and wipe out repetition.

· Decision-Making

 Take responsibility for your decisions and actions. Proceed according to your plans. Calculate and evaluate the possible outcomes and then devise your strategies accordingly.

· Stress Management

Stress affects your mental as well as physical strength. Therefore, it is necessary to manage ourselves under these conditions.

· Problem-Solving

Everyone can encounter problems at any stage of life, but only those can come out of it that can regulate them efficiently.

How to Improve Self-Management Skills

Self-management skills can be improved by practice. These tactics need little attention. With constant concentration and determination, you can easily enhance your abilities to control yourself.

The following are the rules you can follow to improve your self-control.

· Two Minute Rule

David Allen presented the two-minute rule. The rule states that if a task can be completed in two minutes, there is no need to delay it.

Although this rule is elementary in theory, its practical implementations are quite difficult. By applying this rule, you can save plenty of time which could have wasted otherwise.

· Practice Compassion

You must take care of the feelings of others and behave politely. This practice will have a positive impact on your daily output. For example, if you are a boss, you should be kind enough to pay heed to your subordinates. It will not only boost their confidence, but they will work passionately, and ultimately you or your organization will be rewarded.

· Spare Time for Self-Reflection

You can only manage yourself as far as you want to. Self- reflection allows you to look into yourself. Try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This practice will award you a chance of the maximum utilization of your power. It will also help you to address your weaknesses.

· Avail Every Opportunity

Look at every opportunity as an exciting and new life experience. Do not worry about an upcoming task; instead take it as an opportunity and give your best.

· Develop the Habit of Finishing What You Start

Many people start new activities with enthusiasm, but with the passage of time, all their motivation passes away, leaving things in the middle without completing them. This is a hazardous approach and a big hurdle in your way to success. You should be professional in your job and should complete it at any cost.

“Making appointments with yourself and scheduling other things around them is key to proactive self-management.”

― Michael Hyatt

· Stop Worrying

The majority of the things you worried about, never occur. Agree with yourself that you will have a right attitude towards the upcoming tasks.

· Admit Your Mistakes

As human beings, we often point out the mistakes of people around us, but we forget to realize our mistakes. We should analyze ourselves and try to fix our shortcomings by taking specific urgent measures.

Many people do not even willing to own their mistakes. They think that their action can be justified. With this behavior and attitude, you will end up as a looser. So, one should admit the mistakes and put efforts to address them.

· Behavior and Attitude

Your attitude and behavior is the reflection of your personality. Live by values and ethics. Focus on your work. Treat other people as you want yourself to be treated. With good behavior and attitude, you will notice a positive change in yourself.

· Myth of Multitasking

Studies show that only 2.5% of people can perform multitasks. So, try to focus on a single thing. Plan your tasks by narrowing them down to a single approach. Do not let yourself live with the illusion that you are capable of doing multiple things at a time.  

“People cannot manage to multitask very well, and when they say they can, they are deluding themselves,” said neuroscientist Earl Miller. And he said, “The brain is very good at deluding itself.”

· Strengthen Yourself

Health is wealth. Look after yourself. Hygiene is necessary. Try to adopt a healthy lifestyle. It helps you to heal your body and brain.

Peter F. Drucker, in his Business Review article, Managing Oneself, states “A person can perform only from strength. One cannot build performance on weakness, let alone on something one cannot do at all.” 

You can improve your self-management skills by developing your strength. It can be physical or mental. It also involves the strengthening of believes that I can do it; I can do it better than others.

“A person who refuses to manage himself and discipline his flesh will be disciplined and taught by life itself.”

― Sunday Adelaja

How to Demonstrate Self-Management Skills for Students

Studies show that students who have better management skills are financially stable than those who do not possess these skills at an early age.

It is not the sole responsibility of a teacher to manage everything for us.  As a student, we have specific responsibilities. We handle a variety of tasks every day. Goal setting, planning, and time management are integral components of self-regulation. It helps us to become a successful learner.  We can demonstrate self-management skills by following these things:

  • Initiate an activity of your interest and chase it properly.
  • Prefer to work in the form of groups. By doing so, you will have a variety of ideas coming from your mates. The most important benefit of group activities is that you finish your lengthy task or heavy assignments in less time than doing it alone.
  • The most significant thing for a student is to manage its time properly. He should prioritize things and utilize his time to do high priority tasks first.
  • Be specific in your task. Make short term goals and utilize your efforts to achieve them.
  • Break your big tasks into a small one and chase them.

By doing these things, you can save a lot of your time and effort. It will help you to prepare for your exam and enable you to get succeeded. 

How to Demonstrate Self-Management Skills When Interviewing or Looking for Job Opportunities

  • Prepare yourself for an interview. Wear a smile on your face.
  •  Keep a copy of your resume and other documents with you.
  •  Do your homework properly before coming for an interview.
  • Give references to the company’s projects and show that you are capable of doing something good for the company.

The interview is the key to selection. During the interview, portray your objective setting, practicality, and authoritative aptitudes adequately through exact models that you have shown in your previous job. Show them that you are an asset to the company.

Do not get panic during the interview. Keep yourself calm. Listen to what they are asking and then answer accordingly. Stress-management can give you an edge over other candidates.


Self-management skills are all about planning, managing, organizing, and modifying. It can make your work a lot easier. It can prepare you for difficult situations.

Your self-regulation skills give you enough courage and confidence to advance in life. You cannot achieve what you want with poor or no management, and it ultimately spoils your potential and leads you towards disappointment.

On the other hand, no one can dare to stop you from realizing your dreams if you are capable enough to regulate yourself efficiently.

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