38 Healthy Family Goals You Can Share With Your Loved Ones

Goals are essential to each person as they assist in achieving personal or business success. You may have heard personal goals. Right? Well, family goals, on the other hand, concentrate on the accomplishments which get discussed within a family. After all, the family is unquestionably the reason for our existence. Further, family goals are, therefore, vital as they can be used to bring the family together.
Table of Contents
Why Is It Important to Set Family Goals?
Family goals often give the members something to look forward to. You know that without any purpose, it is practically hard to achieve anything. Well, we will take a look at some of the reasons why family goals are essential.
- Creates family values- goals are useful since they help in giving meaning to most families. It is also essential to make sure that all the goals are suitable for all members regardless of their age, to ensure that all family members feel part of something huge.
- Assists in creating unity- since all family members are involved in making decisions regarding the goals, there tends to be a sense of unity. You will find that even those people who have drifted apart always come together to contribute an idea.
- I know that most of the people have a few goals set up at the beginning of the year, but most of them don’t get fulfilled. It is funny how we often give up on some of the goals we have set up ourselves.
- Many people like to invest in family businesses, and I can attest to that. We have seen how a lot of people are running family businesses and expanding them. Some of the companies often come up after a particular family sets up specific goals and work towards achieving them.
- Children also learn a lot from their parents, and it is imperative to set a good example for them to emulate in the future. You should make sure all the family members are involved in the goal-setting process, even the kids, so that they can gain some advantage and manage their future.
Type of Family Goals- Long VS Short
Goals fall into three main groups, mainly lifetime, long-term, and short-term. Moreover, family goal setting does not have to be formal, and it should be a fun-filled activity to ensure all members are fully involved. Let’s break down the types of goals available, shall we?
Long term goals
Long term goals are those goals that make the future and can take up to a year to get accomplished. Most of these goals are either career goals, lifestyle changes, or retirement goals. The time limit could be one year, five years, or ten years. However, you should know that many people underestimate or overestimate what they can do in a certain period. So, if you are serious about achieving something, it is necessary to make long-term goals and then use a series of short term goals to accomplish it.
“In all things that you do, consider the end.”
– Solon
Short term goals
The short term goals are usually easily achieved, and they need little time to get accomplished. They include; going out at least once in a month, sharing of household chores, spending time together, losing at least five pounds, painting the lounge, passing a particular exam, building a deck, or making up a broken relationship. You should also know that the reason why many people don’t succeed is that they can’t define their goals or even consider whether they are achievable. Successful people will always tell you where they are heading to, how they will get there, and who will assist them along the way.
In the category of short term goals, there are foundation goals that are more likely to be achieved within one year. One can set a foundation goal like improvement in school in one semester. Provisional goals are also known as stepping stones, and they get set to assist an individual in achieving higher goals. The time limit for these goals is always one month, and these enabling goals occur before the foundation goals. Moreover, reasonable family goals involve any desire which will have a positive impact on the family or an individual.
Good Examples Of Family Goal Lists You Can Set Right Now.
Eating healthier and happier
- Having a healthy breakfast which includes a fruit to maintain good health.
- Planning of meals should include everybody as it ensures everybody enjoys a good time.
- Purchase lots of greens to ensure there is a variety to choose from.
- Ensure everyone drinks lots of water during the day.
- Drink fat, free and low-fat dairy products.
Financial goals
- Saving for a vacation.
- Developing a medical emergency fund.
- Starting a family business.
- Saving for a family car.
- College saving.
Improving relationships
- Spend more time with each other.
- Communicate more often.
- Make more time for yourself.
- Support each other through hard times.
- Maintain intimacy.
Home improvement goals
- Decorating the entire house.
- Repairing all the cluttering in the house.
- Redecorating of the living room.
- Additional finishing touches to the porch area.
- Adding of sliding doors in the main relaxation area.
Vacation planning goals
- Start saving for the trip.
- Plan the budget early.
- Involve the whole family in planning.
- Start a countdown.
Learning together
- Playing indoor games like chess or word puzzles.
- Sharing of workloads with the children to shape them up
- Having a movie night together.
- Working with the children to finish their homework.
Join community activities
- Volunteer at children’s homes.
- Donate some food to the food banks.
- Donate blankets and food to the homeless.
- Improves family communication.
- Donating old clothes.
Boost your family fitness level
- Playing team sport.
- Engage in aerobics exercises by involving the whole family.
- Engage in running, swimming and dancing.
- Encourage the children to try an outside game.
- Eat more fiber, cut calories.
“You can always find a solution if you try hard enough.”– Lori Greine
How to Set Family Goals While Having Fun in 2020?
- Select goals that suit each member of the family then hold a conversation about it. When you involve everyone, lots of ideas emerge and get shared on a specific goal. Secondly, it is crucial to set only one goal and work on it rather than on many goals, which can be overwhelming.
- The head of the family should also plan on the right time to hold goal-setting conversations with the rest of the family. It is not proper to bombard the members with such a topic at the wrong time. You might end up receiving a negative attitude towards the whole subject.
- Collection of fun supplies can also make goal setting to be fun, especially if there are children involved. The tools include the bright-colored stick notes where each one can write a few ideas, or use a considerable writing pad to engage everyone in the conversation.
- Inviting everyone to share ideas can be useful so that other people do not think that the decision belongs to one person. A good example would go like, “we have been talking about going for a family vacation for a while. Can we come up with a plan on where we want to go, when, and the needed budget?” You will notice that the other family members respond positively and start giving different ideas.
Final Thoughts
You have read all about family goals and how to achieve them, the main question remains; how can I celebrate an accomplished goal?
Well, you can always take your family to a favorite movie with dinner afterward, create an impromptu family dance party, go to the parks or initiate indoor family games. It is also essential to have a diary where all family goals get recorded so that each one accomplished can be marked. That will give you the morale to work on the remaining targets.
Finally, if you have been hesitating on whether to start setting goals, you have to know that there is no right time to start planning for purposes. Anytime is a good time, so why not start now?

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