
5 Best Ways to Use Kratom Powder



If you prefer natural alternatives over conventional medicine, knowing how to take kratom is vital. This botanical is gaining worldwide attention and growing in demand.

There are various kratom products available, including powder, capsules, extracts, and gummies. The former is among the most popular choices, so don’t be surprised to come across descriptions calling it amazing white powder.

Keep reading to discover more about kratom powder, why you should use it, and the five best ways to consume it.

Kratom explained

This botanical supplement originates from the leaves of the kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) tree native to Southeast Asia. Farmers from Borneo, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam have cultivated the plant for centuries.

There are several ways to take kratom. People in these countries traditionally consume the herb by munching the leaves or making and drinking tea. The residents claim the plant offers many health benefits, like boosting energy and combating fatigue.

The herb’s chemical compounds, called alkaloids, are known to have medicinal properties that potentially offer various health benefits. For people with pain, ingesting kratom is one way to manage discomfort without medication.

Although the herb is organic, there are some potential side effects, so avoid taking it in high doses. If you’re on prescription medication, consult your doctor, as kratom may interact with certain drugs.

Why use kratom powder

Before finding out how to take kratom powder, let’s look at why many people choose the herb in this form. The powdered version offers a wide range of uses. You can incorporate the supplement into your daily life in many ways, such as:

  • Make tea with it
  • Add it to your beverages
  • Use it in recipes

It’s important to consume the product in low doses and gradually add more until you reach your optimum amount.

Besides knowing how to use kratom powder, it’s essential to store it properly to retain its quality. Follow these steps to keep your supplement fresh:

  • Use airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags to ensure there’s no oxidation.
  • As kratom absorbs odors, store it away from areas with unpleasant scents.
  • Avoid humid spaces, as moisture breaks down the alkaloids, reducing the herb’s potency.

Some users recommend storing your powder in the freezer for longer preservation.

5 ways to use kratom powder

As the herb is bitter, knowing the best ways to take kratom powder helps you enjoy its benefits without the unpleasant taste.

Here are five popular consumption methods:

1. Toss and wash

Consume kratom by tossing the powder into the back of your mouth and washing it down with water. This method is ideal for people who can’t tolerate the plant’s herbal flavor, as it bypasses the tongue’s taste buds.

Only ingest 1–2 teaspoons of kratom powder to avoid overdosing. If the bitter taste bothers you, swallow it with your favorite beverage.

2. Make kratom tea

According to traditional users, the best way to consume kratom is to brew it into tea.

This method is straightforward. Mix 1–2 teaspoons of kratom powder in a pot of boiling water and let it sit for 15–20 minutes. Use a cheesecloth to strain the liquid before drinking it while warm. If you prefer, add lemon for flavor, as it contains vitamin C and antioxidants.

3. Mix with smoothies

Another one of the best ways to mix kratom is by adding the powder to smoothies. All you need is:

  • A blender
  • Fruit, milk, yogurt, or any of your favorite ingredients
  • 1–2 teaspoons of kratom powder
  • Sugar or honey to sweeten (optional)

To drink kratom with smoothies, blend the ingredients into a smooth beverage and consume it immediately. This option is an excellent way to incorporate the herb into your daily routine, so you won’t forget to take the supplement.

4. Add to food

Adventurous chefs are beginning to experiment with new snacks and dishes by including kratom powder as an ingredient. Adding the herb to your meals makes consuming the supplement more convenient and gives users another option.

5. Consume in capsules

If you’re always on the go, the best way to take powdered kratom is to use it in capsule form. It’s easy to take the supplement on your trips, and by swallowing pills, you avoid the taste, which many find bitter.

Ingesting the herb in this form is also convenient, as you don’t have to measure the amount you consume. The pills come in various strengths and quantities, ensuring you use the correct dose.

Experience the flexibility of kratom powder

Knowing how to take kratom in powder form with smoothies, beverages, and food allows you to add flavor to its natural herbal taste. The ease of making the supplement a part of your life is why it’s popular with users.

Which consumption method suits you best? Experiment and enjoy the experience before deciding.

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