
How You Can Build a Successful Career and Still Be an Awesome Mom



Who says that you cannot be a mom and have a successful career too? Your passion and your desire to be an awesome mom but still keep your identity at work are giving your inner conflict. However, it does not need to be like this. You no longer have to torment yourself anymore because it is possible and achievable to be a mom and have a great career too. Making the right moves and steps is important, so what areas should you start focusing on first?

What Career Path Are You Following

To begin with, you must evaluate where your career is at within this moment in time. What path are you following, and are you doing what you thought you would be doing? It can be easy to fall into roles for a steady income. However, they are not always roles that fulfill your needs. So, carefully look at the career path that you are following, and establish if it is right for you. Are you achieving what you want to, and are you in a role that challenges you but completes you. If you are not entirely content with the career path that you are currently following, then why not look at switching to get more peace and fulfillment.

What Does Success Mean to You?

After looking at your current and projected career path, you then need to think about success. What exactly does success mean to you, and most importantly, what does it look like? Does it look like increased pay? Does it look like a strong reputation? When you can establish what success looks like to you, then you can go ahead and start pushing forwards. If you do not know what success means to you, or you cannot define it, then start working on this. This will be directly aligned with your ambitions, so make sure you make the right choices for both you and your family. If you are not sure what success looks like to you, then take a step back, and think about what it looks like for your family and perhaps even for other professionals. Build a picture in your mind that you can work towards.

Balancing Out Your Time

Your time is precious, and you need to establish just where you need to spend time and why. Balancing out the time that you have can be challenging to say the least – especially when you have lots of different areas of your life demanding your attention and time. To balance out your time, you may find it beneficial to start putting together a schedule. When you can see how much time you have in a given day or week, you can then begin to split it accordingly. When balancing your time, try not to be too hard on yourself. There will be times when you have less than you thought with your kids, but you will find this will all balance itself out over time.

Having Patience

Change, progression, and success will take time, and when you are juggling children, too, it is important to be patient. Trying to do too much or pushing for too much will leave you feeling stressed. Expecting too much at once or pushing for too much can leave you feeling drained and burnt out, so avoid doing this at all costs. When it comes to having patience, you need to look at the bigger picture. What are you working towards, and what are you hoping to achieve. You can remain calm and patient in all situations (and no matter what is thrown your way) if you have a good grasp on your future and on the bigger picture.

Think about the Impact You Want to Have?

In your career, you need to have direction, and you need to make an impact – but what impact would you like to make? As you build a career, you build a reputation. Your reputation is built on your image and on the impact you have – so what do you want to do? What are you going to achieve, and what would you like to achieve? The impact that you have (or don’t have) will set the way for future progression and future opportunities, so think carefully about what you want to achieve and why. When you know the impact (and level of impact) you want to have, then you have something to start working towards.

Planning Your Future

Future plans could sound tedious, but when you are juggling life as a mom and having a career, a future plan will be essential. Within your plans for the future, you need to establish both what you want for your kids and what you want from your career. To have a successful career and be a great mom, a plan must lay out what you hope to achieve in both the short run and the long run too. For instance, on the career front, in the next 6-12 months, do you want to be in a role that you love and that leaves you feeling empowered? Or, would you like to be looking at future roles and progression? On a personal and family level, in 6-12 months, would you like to have dedicated days to your kids and to their activities and hobbies? To start planning your future, you need to know what you want to achieve and by when.

Advance Your Education

To get the career that you want and deserve, you need to invest in yourself. All areas of your offering have to be improved and enhanced. From your skillset, right on to the level of education you hold. When you advance your education and invest in yourself, you focus on becoming a better (more all-rounded) professional. Take time for yourself, time to advance your education because it will give you the knowledge and awareness you need to fulfill your potential and realize your goals. When it comes to advancing your education, you need to know what programs will benefit you. So, look at what you currently excel in at work and see where three is room for growth and development.

Get That Right Balance

Balance can be a scary word, and at times you can feel that a work-life balance is always out of your reach. However, achieving a manageable and sustainable balance between your career and your life as a mom is essential. Without a balance, you will always be wanting more, and you will always be burning the candle at both ends. To get the right balance, look at how much time you need to be at work, and then look at how much time your children need you. Getting a happy and workable medium may take time, but once again, with patience and persistence, you can achieve success.

Working on All Relationships

To build a successful career, you need to focus on building strong relationships will all people. From those that you are working with to those family members, you are working for. Strong and solid relationships matter, they give you confidence, and they give you the reassurance you may need from time to time. Even though you may be focused on building a career, that does not mean that you should neglect your relationships at home and in your personal life. It means that you should work on them twice as hard. Working on relationships will instill confidence and build confidence and leave those around you feeling valued and appreciated.

Making Valuable Career Moves

To get to where you want to be in your career, you will need to make several moves. However, it is worth remembering that not all moves are good or even valuable. To establish if a move is worthwhile, you must look at what you are getting in return. For example, are you getting a better title? Are you moving for a role that is closer to your home and closer to family? Or are you moving for a role that will allow you to build your experience and knowledge? When you can weigh up if a move is valuable or not, you can then decide if it is worth pursuing or forgetting about.

Compromising and Learning Perfection is Not Possible

As you progress with your career and your time is stretched to the limit, you may still be reaching for perfection. However, it is important to realize that perfection is not realistic or possible and that compromise will come into play each day you work or leave your children. Learning how to handle all of this and learning to be content is important. If you are not content, you will never be able to see the success you have achieved, and you will never feel what progress has been made. Regular self-evaluating of what you are doing and why will help you achieve contentment, and it will help stop you from chasing an illusion of perfection.

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