
How Photography Can Make You a Happier and Healthier Person



In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s important to have hobbies and creative pursuits that allow us to disconnect and find peace. According to findings on Medical News Today, having creative outlets can help people process trauma, express themselves positively, and even carve out their own identity. Others like to paint and write, while some enjoy dancing or even cooking.

Another hobby you can explore is photography. You may think that using a gadget to relax and improve your health seems counterintuitive, but cameras can truly enhance your life and make you an overall happier person.

Below, we enumerate a few reasons and some tips to get started.

It gets you in a flow state

Have you ever felt so immersed in a task that all concept of time seems to disappear? During these moments, you are fully present and able to experience complete bliss. Scientifically, the BBC defines this phenomenon as a “flow state.” This can be achieved through several ways — be it while you’re working, learning, or playing a sport. You can do this through creative activities like photography, too. From selecting the perfect setting, to getting to know new angles to tell a different story — the entire photography process calls for your full attention. You may not realize it, but this is flow in action. Not only does it make you happier, but it also helps you do your best creative work.

It helps you meet like-minded people

Social isolation and anxiety is a real issue that affects 5 million adults in America. It can be hard to meet new friends and build meaningful connections as we get older. Fortunately, photography can be a social activity, too. Through photography, you can easily meet new people ⁠— whether it’s by joining a local photography group or getting hired by a like-minded client. As you find camaraderie with people with the same interests and passion for photography, you can keep loneliness and social anxiety at bay.

It helps you appreciate the little things

Like we said, life nowadays is fast-paced and it can be easy to let important moments pass us by. Through photography, you get to find joy in the seemingly mundane. Whether you’re taking portraits of a loved one, snapping pictures of your childhood home, or capturing flowers blooming — you’ll be pushed to slow down and appreciate the finer details.

It allows you to express your creative self

Unleashing your creativity and expressing your thoughts and emotions through art is a freeing and joyful experience. Photography is one of those art mediums that doesn’t necessarily require innate talent, unlike drawing or sculpting. Plus, it’s easy to pick up and won’t ask you to invest too much of your time to learn the basics. The Pacific Standard Magazine notes that by engaging in creative activities like photography, you can cultivate positive psychological development in yourself and become a happier person. If you are absolutely new to photography and can’t figure out where to start, you can visit the Weedit.Photos website with an abundance of info about this activity.

Getting started with photography

Another great thing about photography is you don’t need expensive equipment to get started; you can even just use any point-and-shoot camera or your smartphone. However, if you want to take your craft seriously (and perhaps even make a career out of it), then investing in a DSLR or mirrorless camera can help you out. What’s more, the cameras showcased on Adorama represent how there are several options for every budget. For example, the Nikon D3500 already comes with a kit lens at a very affordable price. You can use these to take professional-looking photos. If you want something more compact, the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV is a small, mirrorless camera that allows you to take simple, but stunning, photos. Choose the camera that feels most comfortable to you.

Of course, it also pays to educate yourself on the basics of photography. As you’ll see in the photography books on Creative Boom, you can easily learn the basics through such resources. For starters, check out titles like Scot Kelby’s The Digital Photography Book Volume 2 or Joe McNally’s The Hot Shoe Diaries. If you prefer to study online, you’ve got tons of free options on YouTube, too.

Indeed, photography is a hobby that can definitely add value to your life and cultivate your creativity. For more inspiring and motivating insights, be sure to read our post ‘138 Life is Beautiful Quotes with Beautiful Images’.

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