
Good Cyber Hygiene Practices Can Help You Stay Safe Online



Hygiene is a word most often associated with things like brushing your teeth, grooming your hair, and staying clean. However, this phrase also applies to good habits you can use to stay safe online.

What is Cyber Hygiene?

Cyber hygiene refers to using effective tools and resources regularly to perform tasks that ensure your online safety. Think of it as creating helpful habits to make your online experiences safer. For example, it could be as simple as changing the way you access an online resource or as complex as purchasing software and installing it on your router or firewall to keep your entire network safe from intruders.

The goal is to protect you from cybercriminals. Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about cybersecurity, but they should. Since 2020 cybercrime has become more prevalent than ever before. Businesses are most often the target, and companies that don’t take cybersecurity seriously will pay the price both financially and with the loss of their data.

Why is Cyber Hygiene Important?

Training yourself to look at cyber security as a priority can protect you against many types of fraud. For example, securing your network could help prevent security breaches, hacking incidents, ransomware, and other types of malware infections. Securing your devices could also protect you, your employees and your customers from identity theft.

If you stay on top of your cyber security and monitor your network regularly, you will be better equipped to respond to an incident much faster and more effectively.

A data breach could be devastating to your company. The lost data, damaged credibility, and financial losses are reasons enough to make cyber hygiene practices a priority.

Tips to Maintain Effective Cyber Hygiene

The first tip to creating good cyber hygiene habits is to ensure you are using the most effective products and services. Before selecting devices and services, research how well they perform and choose those products that stand the test of time. Other tips for maintaining effective cyber hygiene are:

  • Always use the most secure login option available. If the device or service offers two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication, choose that. If you can set up biometric access, turn that on for the most effective protection.
  • Adhere to strict policies that you decide the company needs for the utmost protection. Don’t bypass security or take any shortcuts. Take the time necessary to stay safe.
  • Set up regular maintenance plans for all your equipment to update firmware and outdated/vulnerable hardware components.
  • Install monitoring software on your network so you can receive alerts if anyone tries to break into your systems or connect to your devices. Review the access logs regularly.
  • Audit your entire network for any vulnerabilities. For example, IoT devices may be vulnerable to hacking. Install a VPN on your router to protect them.
  • Document every device, software version, operating system, and access permission policy.
  • Adopt a zero-trust policy for all devices and software.
  • Craft ironclad policies regarding cyber hygiene and get everyone on board.
  • Configure your network firewall with the most robust security settings available.
  • Institute cybersecurity training throughout your organization, paying particular attention to phishing and social engineering campaigns educating staff on how to handle them.
  • Install and run good antivirus on all your devices. Any unprotected device could provide an entry point for hackers.
  • Keep all operating systems and software updated with the latest security patches.
  • Never reuse passwords on multiple websites.
  • Always use long and strong passwords also consider a password vault to manage them.
  • Encrypt hard drives and mobile device data.
  • Keep good backups in case you must restore everything. Consider storing backups off-site.
  • Secure your router and Wi-Fi network with strong passwords.
  • Don’t just delete files. Instead, run special software to remove them from the hard drive completely.
  • Keep a close eye on access and user accounts.
  • Sign up for identity monitoring services to protect your personal data and alert you of any changes.

Benefits of Cyber Hygiene

The benefits of cyber hygiene are endless. Nothing can compare with privacy and security. However, the two main goals of cyber hygiene are maintenance and security. A rigid process of routine maintenance and strict security policies will go a long way towards securing your entire network, keeping you, your employees, vendors, and the company safe.

Some benefits of a healthy cyber hygiene practice are:


Good cyber hygiene allows you to secure your entire network, devices, hardware, and software. Imagine the peace of mind knowing your data is safe and you are protecting your entire investment by employing top-notch tools and resources for a secure online experience.

Protected Customer Data

The last thing you want is to wake up to find your customer data has been exposed online or is being held for ransom. Protecting your customer data preserves your reputation and builds brand trust.

Increased Opportunity to Find Previously Unmanaged Assets

Hiring a forensic cybersecurity team to thoroughly audit your systems could uncover unmanaged assets or outdated software that could pose a serious risk. Any weak link in your system opens the door to a hacker. Regular cyber hygiene practices can help identify these vulnerabilities and let you secure them before they become a problem.

Identify Unauthorized Software or User in a System or Device

Additionally, by installing networking monitoring software and hiring solid IT professionals to review your system, you could potentially find an unauthorized user or software just waiting to wage an attack against your organization.

It is much easier and less costly to prevent a cyber-attack than clean up after one.

These are just a few of the reasons why you, as a business professional, should strongly consider instituting a cyber hygiene policy for your company. With data breaches, fraud, and identity theft on the rise, businesses cannot do enough to keep their corporate data, employees, and customers safe.

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