110+ Positive Ageing Quotes for Elderly to Celebrate Golden Age

Our collection of age quotes will show you that ageing is a beautiful process. You certainly don’t have to act like getting older is the worst thing in the world. Every age period are part of our life journey.
There are a mass of reasons to be positive about getting older, reading through below ageing quotes to get inspiration, you can still live life to the full and have a whale of a time.
So no matter you’re planning on growing old disgracefully or gracefully, we’ve collected these wonderful age quotes and growing old quotes to bring you a fresh perspective on old age.
Our age quotes are full of wisdom and humour. Take a look below – we hope you enjoy these old age sayings and you can get inspired. Feel free to share the positive aging quotes with your friends and people you love.
Table of Contents
Positive Aging Quotes and Sayings
We shouldn’t be scared of ageing; rather we should embrace it gracefully. Our inspirational positive ageing quotes will surely help you in this regard. Without any doubt, we can’t cease the process of ageing. We can only erase the effects of ageing from our appearance but we can’t help when it comes to the ageing of one’s body and organs.
- Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. –Betty Friedan
- Age is just a number. Life and aging are the greatest gifts that we could possibly ever have. –Cicely Tyson
- Age is not how old you are, but how many years of fun you’ve had. –Matt Maldre
- I am another year older, wiser, and more grateful.
- Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. –Chili Davis
- Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. –Jack Benny
- Old age is always fifteen years older than I am. –Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Today is the oldest you have been, and the youngest you will ever be. Make the most of it! –Nicky Gumbel
- Age mellows some people; others it makes rotten.
- Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art. –Eleanor Roosevelt
Best Age Quotes about Getting Older
As soon as we notice a white hair strand, we look for the hair dyes. Why? This is because we want to look young and fresh. We see white or grey hair as a threat to our youth. They scare us because they will reveal to the world that we are ageing. Similarly, we try our best to keep our skin fresh. Thanks to anti-ageing creams, they’ve made this easy for us.
But how often we try to keep our heart and soul young? To keep the heart and soul young one must keep his spirits young. The below-given getting older quotes are for everyone who is getting old but what to keep his spirits young.
- Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. –Henry Ford

- Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. –George Sand

- Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young. –Benjamin Franklin

- As I approve of a youth that has something of the old man in him, so I am no less pleased with an old man that has something of the youth. He that follows this rule may be old in body but can never be so in mind.
- Youth is the gift of nature, but age is the work of art. –Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

- The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age.
- We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. –George Bernard Shaw
- The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. That is life’s tragedy. –Oscar Wilde
- Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. –Betty Friedan
Funny Old Age Quotes and Sayings
These funny old age quotes should serve as inspiration for enjoying this remarkable time of life.
- You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. –Bob Hope
- An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her. –Agatha Christie
- You don’t get smarter as you get older. There is just less stupid stuff left that you haven’t already done.
- As you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two. –Norman Wisdom
- But I’m kind of comfortable with getting older because it’s better than the other option, which is being dead. So I’ll take getting older. –George Clooney
- Age is something that doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese. –Luis Bunuel
- You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there. –George Burns
- Old age comes at a bad time. When you finally know everything. You start to forget everything you know.
- To me – old age is always ten years older than I am. –John Burroughs
- Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough. –Groucho Marx
Aging Quotes to Tell that Age is Just a Number
Many people let go of their lifelong dream only because they think they have aged. If you are doing this so, we want to remind you that it is never too late to achieve the goals. Before you give up on your goals, read the age is just a number quotes given below. These age of attitude quotes will make you realize that age is just a number. If your spirits are young, you are young.
To achieve something, you only need determination and hard work, nothing more or less than that. To maintain consistency, read our age quotes for motivation and pave your way to your lifelong dream.
- Age is just a number we count until we’re old enough to know it doesn’t count. –Katrina Mayer

- Age is just a number. We grow old through experiences and are called mature through our learnings. It doesn’t matter how you look but act, how you receive but perceive, how you recollect but recreate because age is just a number.
- Just because you get to a certain number doesn’t mean you have to roll up into a ball and wait for the grim reaper. We were put on this earth to do something! If you stop using your brain at any age, it is going to stop working. It’s like if you stop using your hand, it will atrophy. I think doing nothing is a curse. –Iris Apfel
- Age is just a number. That is to say, your age should not discourage you from pursuing and realizing a new dream, vision, or aspiration. Thus, disregard your age. For, it does not matter. –Emeasoba George

- You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. –George Burns

- The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.

- If we remain young at heart, do we ever really grow old?
Aging Quotes for People Being Old
We all have those moments where we look in the mirror and wonder where time has gone – some of us flat-out refuse to even reveal our age! But here we think age is something to celebrate. Bookmark these being old quotes so the next time you’re feeling “old”, you can remind yourself with our age quotes that age is just a state of mind.
- At twenty we worry about what others think of us; at forty we don’t care about what others think of us; at sixty we discover they haven’t been thinking about us at all.
- Growing older is not upsetting; being perceived as old is. –Kenny Rogers
- One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged. –Samuel Hall Lord
- There’s nothing like being old to be sure of everything. –Fran Lebowitz
- Getting older has been a bonus for me. I feel lucky that parts are being written for someone my age and I am around to play them. –Siobhan Finneran
- You’re not getting old, you’re getting better. Seniors Rock! –Nanette L. Avery
- Why would I worry about getting older—what’s to moan about? –Dawn French
- Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. –Jackie Joyner-Kersee
- I’ve always said that I will never let an old person into my body. That is, I don’t believe in ‘thinking’ old. Don’t program yourself to break down as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable. –Wayne Dyer
- Growing old with someone else is beautiful, but growing old while being true to yourself is divine. –Dodinsky
Funny Quotes about Getting Older That Will Delight You
As the process of ageing can’t be avoided so why not we embrace it and enjoy?
Keeping in view funny quotes about getting older. They will not only make you fall with your old age but will also give you a good laugh.
- I’m at the age where an all-nighter just means that I didn’t have to get up to pee.

- I’m not old. I woke up, I lifted my arms, I moved my knees, I turned my neck, everything made the same noise:CrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaccccK. I came to a conclusion: I am not old; I am crispy!
- Of course, I know how old I am! Well, I know when I was born. I don’t like doing the math, so I usually just ballpark it.
- If you’re not getting older, you’re dead. –Jom Petty
- Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.

- Don’t get all weird about getting older! Our age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying us!

- You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. –C.S. Lewis

- You know you are getting older when the candles don’t fit on the cake.
- I guess I don’t mind so much being old, as I mind being fat and old. –Peter Gabriel
Inspirational Quotes for the Elderly
Old people need to explore ways to create the most positive life possible for ourselves, we have in search of the best inspirational quotes for the elderly to help create a happy and meaningful life.
Any of us who believe that, “what we think about, we bring about,” as well as “what we dwell upon we become,” might benefit by reading the following elderly quotes on a regular basis.
- As you get older you become quieter. Because you realize how much nonsense you’ve wasted your time on. And now you know that peace is more important than anything else.
- Part of getting older is realizing that you can integrate all these different areas of your life, rather than the adolescent mindset, which for me lasted a long time, which says, ‘It’s all or nothing. –Chris Robinson
- The great thing about getting older is that you become more mellow. Things aren’t as black and white, and you become much more tolerant. You can see the good in things much more easily rather than getting enraged as you used to do when you were young. –Maeve Binchy
- Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older. –Louise Hay
- I have a great curiosity to see new things, but not to own them. It’s very peaceful this way, and one of the nice things about getting older. –Lee Radziwill
- Just getting older, you stop caring what other people think, but also, you know who you are, and you know what you want. –Sharon Van Etten
- Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. –John Lennon
- The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. –Aldous Huxley
- It is not how old you are, but how you are old. –Marie Dressler
- The older you get, the quieter you become. Life humbles you so deeply as you age. You realize how much nonsense you’ve wasted time on.
Quotes about Age and Wisdom to Share with the Elderly
From Greek philosophies to Chinese philosophy, we find a very strong relationship between age and wisdom. On one hand, people say that wisdom comes with age. On the other hand, we find arguments in the favor of wisdom bring age.
However, this debate has no end. Many people also think that there is no relation between wisdom and age. According to them, wisdom and age are not related in any way. Whatever you believe in, our below-given age and wisdom quotes collection says a lot about age and wisdom. You can share these quotes about age and maturity with your elders and family.
- Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. –Mark Twain

- And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. –Abraham Lincoln
- No, that is the great fallacy: the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They grow careful. –Ernest Hemingway

- Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age. Nothing does- except wrinkles. It’s true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. –Abigail Van Buren
- Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. –Tom Wilson

- The dream is possible at any age. Go live your dream. –Lailah Gifty Akita

- Learning acquired in youth arrests the evil of old age, and if you understand that old age has wisdom for its food, you will so conduct yourself in youth that your old age will not lack for nourishment. –Leonardo da Vinci
- As I grow older and wiser, I’ve begun to understand how little I understand.
Quotes about Aging Well to Celebrate Golden Age
Check out quotes about aging well below, your golden age is worth celebrating.
- Life is so short, transient, and beautiful that there is not enough time to get old. –Debasish Mridha
- We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being. –Deepak Chopra
- Weird, but in a way we live to grow old! Because living long without aging is impossible at our current level of scientific development! –Mehmet Murat ildan
- I am appalled that the term we use to talk about aging is ‘anti.’ Aging is as natural as a baby’s softness and scent. Aging is human evolution in its pure form. –Jamie Lee Curtis
- Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. –Mark Twain
- If wrinkles must be written on our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old. –James A. Garfield
- Don’t regret growing older…remember that a lot of sugar is to be found at the bottom of the cup. –James Simpson
- The belief that youth is the happiest time of life is founded on a fallacy. The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts and we grow happier as we grow older. –William Lyon Phelps
- Getting old is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the older you want to get. –Keith Richards
- Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough. –Groucho Marx
Aging Gracefully Quotes to Embrace the Beauty in Aging
Ageing gracefully doesn’t mean to look 25 while you’re 50. It is a major misconception that needs to be corrected. Ageing gracefully means to embrace your new skin, new hair and body wholeheartedly. It is a mindset. To age gracefully you must get over the youth-obsessed culture. Once you did that, you will start to live your best life in old age.
Read our aging gracefully quotes below. They are collected especially for those who want to age gracefully. After reading these funny quotes about aging gracefully, you will feel at peace and strangely detached from these foolish beauty standards.
- Know that you are a perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older. –Louise Hay

- Aging catches upon you all of a sudden. It’s definitely more interesting to let yourself go through the process than do a bunch of surgery and get addicted to a face that’s not even yours. You can’t chase youth. You’ll just look older with a facelift. –Linda Rodin
- Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

- Wear your years with pride like a badge of honor, for you have conquered. You have thrived; you have survived.

- Wrinkles mean you laughed, grey hair means you cared, and scars mean you lived!
- We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. –Maya Angelou
- Act as young as you feel. You’re not getting older; you’re getting more entitled to be your fabulous self. –Gwen Stefani
- What if we think of aging as an art? An effort called out of the soul that takes skill, guts, and devotion to bring to light- with the power to create laughter, seriously tweak stereotypes, and inspire? –Sophie Lumen
Old Age Quotes to Remind the Young to Treasure Every Moment
Youth is a treasure. But when we are young, we don’t realize the importance of this treasure. It is very unfortunate that we only realize the importance of youth when we get old. Many people miss a lot of opportunities, risks and pleasures that can only be enjoyed at a young age. If you are also doing this unfortunate practice, this is the high-time to wake up.
We have curated old age quotes that will remind the importance of young age before it’s too late.
- Life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind, so enjoy every moment as it comes.

- We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever; the goal is to create something that will. –Chuck Palahniuk

- Death is not the opposite of life but a part of it. –Haruki Murakami

- Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. –Oprah Winfrey

- Enjoy your youth. You are never going to be younger than you are at this very moment.
- Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.
- Youth! There is nothing like youth. The middle-ages are mortgaged to life. The old are life’s lumber-room. But youth is the lord of life. Youth has a kingdom waiting for it. Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile. –Oscar Wilde
- Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait. Because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll be ever again.
Turning 30 Year Old Quotes to Help You Seize Your Opportunities
Procrastination is real and sometimes it makes us miss golden chances. While growing up, many of us fall victim to procrastination. Only those get success who overcomes it before it is too late. Turning 30 this year? Well, its high-time to get rid of procrastination and make some important decisions. Firstly, it is the right time to seize those opportunities that you have been avoiding for quite some time.
If not now, you may regret later. After some years from now, there will be no way to bridge the gap caused by your age. Our below-given ageing quotes on turning 30 are especially for those who have just turned 30 and still oscillating between risks and playing safe in life.
- I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age. The ending of an era and turning of a page- Now it’s time to focus on where I go from here. Lord have mercy on my next thirty years.

- Embrace every change, experience, challenge, and moment of joy coming your way. There is so much ahead you’ll just love. Live every second.

- Thirty is an attitude. It says you know what you’re doing, and you’ve got what it takes to get where you’re going. The fact is, you’ve never been better or smarter or more ready for adventures than you are right now. So welcome to prime time.

- At 30, a man should know himself like the palm of his hand, know the exact number of his defects and qualities, know how far he can go, foretell his failures- be what he is. And, above all, accept these things. –Albert Camus

- I’m turning thirty this year. And you know the saying, a woman over thirty is more likely to get hit by a bomb than find a man. –Fanny Fink
- Relax, your 30s are just like your 20s, except you look 10 years older, and everything is a little less fun.
- The only time you really live fully is from 30 to 60. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits. –Hervey Allen
Quotes about Turning 40 That Will Inspire You to Make the Most of Your Life
Turning 40 this year? Well, it is high time that you start making most out of your life. Till now, you must have figured out what you desire or what you want to achieve before dying peacefully. If not, then do it now and start working on your dream. Though no one knows how much time he has before the death knock him in the face, but when we start to age we are sure that we will not have the strength after a certain age.
So as you turn 40 this year, read our age quotes about turning 40 to remind yourself to live the life to fullest before it is too late.
- Life begins on your 40th birthday. But so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. –Helen Rowland

- Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over forty. They always know. –Frank Kaiser

- Every time a woman turns 40, a cougar is born.

- Life is a book, and your forties are the chapters when it all starts making sense.
- If life really begins on your 40th birthday. It’s because that’s when women finally get it- the guts to take back their lives. –Laura Randolph
- At the age of 20, we don’t care what the world thinks of us. At 30, we worry about what it is thinking of us. At 40, we discover that it wasn’t thinking of us at all.
- The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary. –Arthur Schopenhauer
Final Thoughts on Age Quotes and Sayings
We hope you gave a careful read to our above-given collection of age quotes. We hope you enjoyed above old people sayings very much. If this is so, please don’t forget to share these old age sayings with your friends and family.
We curated these age quotes very carefully and made sure to bring the most meaningful ones for our valuable readers. We wanted to inspire and motivate our readers to do even better in life.
Moreover, if you know a quote or an excerpt about age, feel free to drop it down for other readers.
80 Interesting Pink Captions for Instagram

If pink is your color, then get ready for some inspiration! These pink captions for Instagram are perfect for all your rosy-hued photos. Whether you’re posting a picture of a beautiful sunset, a stylish outfit, or a delicious treat, these captions will add the perfect pop of color to your posts.
So grab your phone, snap that photo, and let these captions do the talking. Get ready to add some pink magic to your Instagram feed!
And before we start for those looking to add a touch of contrast to their photos, check out captions for black and white photos.
Cute Pink Captions for Instagram
From playful and fun to sweet and romantic, these captions will bring a smile to your followers’ faces. So whether you’re posting a picture of a stunning sunset, a stylish outfit, or a delicious treat, these captions will add a pop of pink to your posts. Let’s spread the pink love on Instagram
- “Everything is better in pink 💕”
- “Life is too short to wear boring colors 💕”
- “Paint the world pink 💕”
- “Let’s be real, pink is always the answer 💕”
- “Good things come in pink packages 💕”
- “Happy thoughts and pretty in pink 💕”
- “I was born to be fabulous and pink 💕”
- “Pink is my signature color 💕”
- “Add a little pink to your life 💕”
- “Sweet as candy and pink as can be 💕”
- “I’m a pink dreamer 💕”
- “Pink is the new black 💕”
- “Pink is the color of happiness 💕”
- “Life is a beautiful shade of pink 💕”
- “Here’s to all things pink and pretty 💕”
- “I’m a pink addict 💕”
- “A pop of pink is all you need 💕”
- “Pink paradise 💕”
- “Every day is a good day for pink 💕”
- “Pink is a mood 💕”
Pink Outfit Captions
Add a touch of sweetness to your wardrobe with the color of the season. Pink is a versatile shade that can bring out the best in anyone, and with so many shades to choose from, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for you.
Whether you prefer soft pastels or bold fuchsias, incorporating pink into your outfits is a fun and flirty way to make a statement. So why not add a pop of pink to your look today? It’s time to embrace your inner fashionista and show the world just how stylish you can be.
- “Feeling rosy in pink 💕”
- “Sweet like candy in this pink getup 🍬”
- “Paint the town pink 💗”
- “Rosy cheeks, rosy outfit 🌸”
- “Pink paradise 🌸”
- “In the pink of style 💁♀️”
- “A pop of pink, a burst of happiness 💕”
- “Pink power 💪”
- “Blushing in pink 🌸”
- “Pink is my signature color 🎨”
- “Fuchsia fabulous 💖”
- “Bubblegum dreams come true 💗”
- “Forever in love with pink 💘”
- “Pink is the color of confidence 💪”
- “My heart beats for pink 💕”
- “Blushing beauty 🌸”
- “Pink never goes out of style 💖”
- “Pretty in pink and ready to twirl 💃”
- “A shade of pink that’s oh so right 💕”
Short Pink Captions for Instagram
Pink is a color that evokes feelings of love, femininity, and happiness. It’s no wonder that so many of us are drawn to it, both in fashion and on social media. If you’re looking to show off your love for pink, these captions are the perfect way to do it. From soft pastels to bold fuchsias, each of these captions captures the essence of the shade in its own unique way. So why not give your Instagram a pop of pink and share your love for this beautiful color with the world?
- “Pink perfection 💕”
- “Lovely in lavender 💖”
- “Rosy outlook 🌸”
- “Blushing beauty 💗”
- “Pink power 💪”
- “Dreamy in dusty rose 🌸”
- “Forever fuchsia 💖”
- “Pink passion 💕”
- “Peachy keen in pink 🍑”
- “Bold in blush 💁♀️”
- “Pink and proud 💕”
- “Sugar and spice and everything pink 🍬”
- “Magenta magic 💜”
- “Blooming in pink 🌸”
- “Girly in rose 💁♀️”
- “Pink paradise 💕”
- “Shocking in fuchsia 💖”
- “Pink is always in style 💗”
- “Sweet in salmon 🍣”
Funny Pink Captions
If you’re looking for a way to add some humor to your Instagram posts, look no further than these funny pink captions. Pink is often associated with sweet and girly things, but why not turn that notion on its head with some playful and whimsical jokes?
These captions will put a smile on your followers’ faces and add a touch of fun to your feed. So why not embrace your silly side and show the world just how humorous you can be, all while paying homage to the color of the moment? Get ready to laugh in pink.
- “Pink is the new black…or is that just my cheeks?”
- “Feeling rosy, but not too serious 😜”
- “Life is short, wear pink and have fun 💕”
- “Making the world a funnier place, one pink outfit at a time 💁♀️”
- “Just trying to add a little humor to the world’s pinkest day 💕”
- “Pink and funny, just like me 💁♀️”
- “Life’s too short to not laugh in pink 💕”
- “Why so serious? Let’s put on some pink and have a laugh 🎭”
- “Feeling tickled pink and ready to giggle 💁♀️”
- “I may be wearing pink, but my humor is bold and bright 💁♀️”
- “Just a girl, standing in front of a camera, in pink, asking for a funny caption 📷”
- “Hilarious in hot pink 💕”
- “Too much pink? Never! But maybe a little too much humor… 🤣”
- “Funny and fabulous in fuchsia 💖”
- “Don’t take life too seriously, especially when you’re in pink 💕”
- “Pink and punny 💁♀️”
- “A pop of pink, a dash of humor 💕”
- “Laughter is the best accessory, especially when you’re in pink 💁♀️”
- “Pink and giggly, just the way I like it 💕”
- “Who says you can’t be serious and silly in pink? 💁♀️”
In conclusion, pink is a versatile and universally loved color, and these 80 captions showcase the various aspects of the hue, from its feminine and playful qualities to its bold and powerful tone. Whether you’re looking for a heartfelt or humorous way to express your love for pink, there’s a caption here for you.
So, the next time you post a photo of your pink attire or surroundings on Instagram, use one of these captions to add some personality and flair to your post. Show the world your love for this beautiful color and share your passion with your followers. Happy posting!
141 Motivational Quotes for Employees to Share with Your Team

A few wise words of wisdom in the form of motivational quotes for employees have the potential to go a long way with your employees. Set the tone and try to get your employees motivated with a simple but powerful phrase, perhaps even integrate motivational quotes for the workplace into your company culture.
As many politicians and other public speakers have proven, motivational speeches have the power to inspire nations. Albeit your team might be too small even to fill an office, using some words of motivational quotes for employees when addressing others can make the difference in spurring them on to give 110%. Encouraging quotes for workers provoke positive emotions.
Through the power of the right message, any individual can engage employees and initiate a real following that will take teams to even higher productivity levels. When motivated with motivational quotes for employees, it is more than likely that this will be evidenced in the level of commitment they put in their work and, subsequently, an increased level of quality.
Motivational quotes for employees can help to facilitate an employee achieve their goals. Often motivation and goals work in tandem. With greater motivation, the successful reaching of goals is more likely. With the successful reaching of goals, it is more likely that a boost in motivation will be evidenced.
Table of Contents
Best Motivational Quotes for Employees All Time
Motivation reflects something unique about each of us and allows us to gain valued outcomes like improved performance, enhanced well-being, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Best motivational quotes for employees are a pathway to change employees’ thinking, feeling, and behavior. We have added a few more reasons that illustrate the importance of motivational messages for employees in the remote workplace.
- The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. –Harry Golden
- If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. –Henry Ford
- Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. –Joshua J. Marine
- Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe
- Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. –Helen Keller
- If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. –African Proverb
- You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. –Maya Angelou
- Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you. –Stephen Covey
- The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck. –Tony Robbins
- A diamond is a piece of coal that is stuck to the job. –Michael Larsen
Funny Motivational Quotes for Employees
Laughter is the best medicine in life, and these funny motivational quotes for employees and sayings are guaranteed to brighten the day of your employees by putting a big beautiful smile on their faces. These staff motivation quotes will help to grow your company.
- The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time. –Joe Girard
- Change is not a four-letter word… but often your reaction to it is! –Jeffrey Gitomer
- Work until your bank account looks like a phone number.
- Think like a proton. Always positive.
- The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces. –Will Rogers
- The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. –Oscar Wilde
- You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. –Jim Rohn
- I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. –Bill Gates
- Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. –George Carlin
- If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter. –John Gotti
Short Motivational Quotes for Employees
If your workplace could use some motivation, try incorporating some of these short motivational quotes for employees into your office space, meetings, and more. If you’re looking for other ways to improve your company culture, these words of encouragement for employees will help you.
- The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. –Walt Disney Company
- A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. –Colin Powell
- All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. –Calvin Coolidge
- No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work. – Jonathan Sack
- There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. –Beverly Sills
- If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. –Steve Jobs
- If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run, then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. –Martin Luther King Jr.
- We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. –Maya Angelou
- Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. –Vince Lombardi
- Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. –Jamie Paolinetti
Workplace Motivational Quotes for Employees
This list of workplace motivational quotes for employees will help you show appreciation from a managerial perspective and effectively motivate and engage your employees. These motivational quotes for workplace success are the best way to encourage your employees for your company.
- Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill
- A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be. –Rosalynn Carter
- The only way to do great work is to love what you do. –Steve Jobs
- Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy. –Robert Hall
- The expert in anything was once a beginner. –Helen Hayes
- Working hard is very important. You’re not going to get anywhere without working extremely hard. –George Lucas
- Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. –Henry David Thoreau
- Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work. –Stephen King
- Goodness and hard work are rewarded with respect. –Luther Campbell
- Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there. –Haile Gebrselassie
Appreciation Motivational Quotes for Employees
Employee motivation is significantly influenced by employee performance. For an organization to achieve positive outcomes, it must create a culture and systems of work through motivational quotes for employee appreciation that facilitate every employee to thrive. No one should be left behind. Motivation can be contagious. When all members of a team feel motivated through appreciation motivational quotes for employees to achieve their goals, this contributes to a more effective and productive workforce.
- Hey I noticed how greatly you handled the project. You did an amazing job! Keep up the good work!
- I really appreciate how you use your skills and talent to get the whole team ahead. Kudos to your incredible performance!
- Thank you for being such a good example of how talent combined with great work shows off. Your consistently great performance is an inspiration to all of us.
- Hey you are a true superstar. The work you’ve put into the project is very high level, and I’ve learned so much from collaborating with you. Thank you!
- Dear I was really impressed by your work on the project. Thank you for being someone I can rely on!
- OK, next time when we’ll need something done right, we’ll just skip the line and give it to you! Is there anything you can’t do? Thank you so much for your great work!
- I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your work. You put a lot of effort into what you do, and it shows in your great results. Thank you so much for your dedicated performance!
- You have the best combination of talent, skills and attitude that add up to great performance. Keep up the good work!
- I just wanted to let you know how much the whole team appreciates you. Thank you for being such a great professional to work with.
- Cooperating with you has shown me the value of loving what you do. Your passion for work is such an inspiration!
Motivational Quotes for Employees to Achieve Targets
These motivational quotes for employees to achieve targets are designed to help motivate employees to do their best in and out of the office. If you are looking for more ways to engage with your employees, explore our list of inspirational quotes for employees. We know engaging with your team has become even more important these days, so these quotes will help point you in the right direction.
- Culture is about performance, and making people feel good about how they contribute to the whole. –Tracy Streckenbach
- Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. –Lou Holtz
- Believe you can and you’re halfway there. –Theodore Roosevelt
- Nobody’s a natural. You work hard to get good and then work to get better. It’s hard to stay on top. –Paul Coffey
- There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. –Colin Powell
- You win by effort, by commitment, by ambition, by quality, by expressing yourself individually but in the team context. –José Mourinho
- If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path. –Buddha
- What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world. –Simon Sinek
- Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. –Vincent Van Gogh
- Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
HR Motivational Quotes for Employees
Inspiration isn’t always easy to come through. So, whenever employee morale is down, and motivation is running low, a collection of the HR motivational quotes for employees will help lift your team’s spirits. Motivating employees is a primary concern for any good leader. That’s why they must search for new encouraging quotes for employees to boost the morale of their teams.
- We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. –Einstein
- If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. –Abraham Maslow
- The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. –Socrates
- In the confrontation between the river and the rock, the river always wins…not through strength but by perseverance.
- Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.
- True strength is not in showing the world how strong you are but having the strength to win the battles the world knows nothing about.
- Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be. –Zig Ziglar
- Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
- Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.
- Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Work Motivational Quotes for Employees
We need to understand the concept that motivation is a constant process. Thus, building a company culture that constantly motivates and encourages employees to do better is vital. Thus, we’ve come up with a bunch of powerful motivational work quotes for employees for you to share with your team. Display these motivational quotes for work for all to see in your workplace, and maybe you could overhear a few lighthearted and positive chats about them.
- It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.
- I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
- To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace. –Doug Conant
- Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, “I’m possible! –Audrey Hepburn
- The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. –Vidal Sassoon
- There’s a spark in you, you just gotta ignite the light. –Singer Katy Perry
- Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right. –Henry Ford
- I am so impressed by your performance. You give 150% in your work! Honestly, you are such an inspiration to us all.
- A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. –David Brinkley
- Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. –St. Francis of Assisi
Motivational Quotes for Employees and Staff
Irrespective of how employee’s day goes, these inspirational quotes for staff may definitely bring inspiration and motivate your employees. Share our positive quotes for staff with your team for a top-notch employee engagement. And let your employees feel how much you appreciate them, how much you respect their efforts, and how much you want to see them succeed.
- Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours. –Dale Carnegie
- When I meet successful people, I ask about 100 questions to find out who they attribute their success to. It is usually the same: persistence, hard work and hiring good people. –Kiana Tom
- Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
- The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others. –Hasidic Proverb
- All employees have an innate desire to contribute to something bigger than themselves. –Jag Randhawa
- Self-respect tends to inspire respect from others. –Nathaniel Branden
- Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability. –Harvey Mackay
- Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. –Michael Jordan
- The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
- Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.
Motivational Quotes for Employees about Teamwork
Motivating your team members with motivational teamwork quotes for employees will create a sense of belonging in your team. Since employee motivation is so important, you should work towards implementing long-lasting engagement initiatives. These teamwork motivational quotes for employees will make you stand out as a great leader and help to improve relationships with your employees.
- Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. –Vince Lombardi
- If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. –Henry Ford
- Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability. –Patrick Lencioni
- Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success. –Henry Ford
- Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. –Mattie Stepanek
- The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison. –James Cash Penney
- Not finance, not strategy, not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage both because it is so powerful and rare. –Patrick Lencioni
- To build a strong team, you must see someone else’s strength as a complement to your weakness and not a threat to your position or authority. –Christine Caine
- One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. –Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
- You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps, you could be one of the exceptions. –Steve Case
- Nobody’s going to fix the world for us, but working together, making use of technological innovations and human communities alike, we might just be able to fix it ourselves.
- The combined results of several people working together are often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone.
- Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
- Moreover, in high-performance teams, the role of the team leader is less important and more difficult to identify because all members lead the team at different times.
- And, as the complexity of these problems increases, the consequences of ineffective solutions correspondingly increase. Thus, an understanding of teamwork is a fundamental step in assuring our future survival.
- The word team involves the roles and relationships between people working together. It involves dealing with their work and involves teaching them how to deal with conflict when it occurs.
- Success stories, whether by individuals or organizations, are almost always the result of collaborative effort among many people who are united by a single goal and vision.
- The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement. The question isn’t whether teams have value. The question is whether we acknowledge that fact and become better team players.
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.
- Members of trusting teams accept questions and input about their areas or responsibility, appreciate and tap into one another’s skills and experiences, and look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group.
Motivational Quotes for Employees about Success
Employee motivation is a critical aspect of employee engagement. Because each employee is different, it’s part of your responsibility as a manager to find out what motivates each team member. Success quotes for employees motivate employees to go the extra mile to ensure the success of your team. And if an employee is motivated, the behavior might spread to other members of your team. So let’s dive into this section of employee motivational success quotes.
- By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own. –Mark Victor Hansen
- Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the powers necessary to overcome the original difficulty. –William J. Bennett
- Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory. –Mahatma Gandhi
- The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work. –Elbert Hubbard
- Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. –Les Brown
- The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. –Denis Waitley
- Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it. –Rafiki
- The most important thing in life is not to capitalise on your successes – any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your mistakes. –William Bolitho
- Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. –Winston Churchill
- Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
- Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. –Truman Capote
- Fulfillment isn’t found over the rainbow—it’s found in the here and now. Today I define success by the fluidity with which I transcend emotional landmines and choose joy and gratitude instead. –RuPaul
- Teamwork is really a form of trust. It’s what happens when you surrender the mistaken idea that you can go it alone and realize that you won’t achieve your individual goals without the support of your colleagues.
- A “just a job” employee does just enough to keep their job while complaining about what’s not fair or right at work. A “team player” works positively together with everyone to get the job done the best way possible. See the difference?
- Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.
Positive and Motivational Quotes for Employees and Workers
Inspiration doesn’t always come naturally, and even the most motivated employees occasionally need a boost. Employee motivation is a complex process and, as a manager, you are sometimes too busy to take the time to implement exhaustive motivational quotes for workers. In this case, these positive quotes for employees might give your employees a well-needed boost.
- Employee engagement is all about maximizing employee productivity by creating the right conditions to motivate employees to contribute their maximum effort, skills, and knowledge. –Guy Ellis
- Inspiration is the windfall from hard work and focus. Muses are too unreliable to keep on the payroll. –Helen Hanson
- It is not a question of how well each process works; the question is how well they all work together. –Lloyd Dobens
- Service is the lifeblood of any organization. Everything flows from it and is nourished by it. Customer service is not a department… It’s an attitude.
- My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — every day I’m learning something new. –Richard Branson
- Often I feel that projects overwhelm us when we look at how many hours are involved until completion. But just getting started is usually not that difficult. –Emily Giffin
- The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it. –Ray Kroc
- We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action. –Dr. Henry Link
- You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people. –Marsha Evans
- As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. And as you get better, you gain more confidence. That alone is success. –Tamara Taylor
- Failure is only postponed success as long as courage ‘coaches’ ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. –Herbert Kaufman
- Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. –Shawn Achor
- I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. –Hermann Hesse
- Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. –Helen Keller
- Motivating employees to work at their full potential is the main premise of successful management. –Eraldo Banovac
Final Thoughts on Motivational Quotes for Employees
How you use these motivational quotes for employees is entirely up to you. You could use these quotes to motivate workers. You could have motivational quotes for the workplace, where you reveal them one at a time or give your employees access to a bank of existing motivational information.
The real key to success is finding some motivational strategies that encourage your employees to be more productive—then measuring and analyzing that increase in productivity. For more inspiration, see our massive list of encouraging quotes for workers.
We all need a little extra motivation sometimes. This is especially true when you’re in a management position. You have dozens of responsibilities to handle, from hiring and scheduling employees to do inventory and accounting.
Having all of these tasks to worry about isn’t always conducive to feeling motivated. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the best motivational quotes for employees. These quotes will keep you focused and give you the extra boost you need to make it through the tough days.
51 No Pain No Gain Quotes to Keep You Inspired

Welcome to our amazing collection of no pain no gain quotes. You’ve probably heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” before especially if you prefer coming to the gym and pumping up your muscles. This means that in order to make your muscles grow, you must shred the fibres in order for them to grow back bigger and stronger. Because you’re tearing your muscles apart, this advancement generates physical pain, but these no pain no gain quotes is always there to motivate you.
In business, it is putting money in today to reap benefits later or investing time, effort, or money in something in order to obtain future results. On a personal level, it may imply putting in more effort at work. You’re undoubtedly aware that if you want to achieve something, you’ll have to work hard. Nothing good in life is possible without it and these pain and gain quotes help you to achieve your goals. You must put effort in learning new abilities when establishing a business, just as you must put effort in becoming fit. These no pain no gain quotes are here to help you out right away.
You will have to go through some suffering in order to achieve your goals. It could be physical discomfort at the gym or mental discomfort and stress at work. We have carefully curated this long list of pain gain quotes to inspire you. We hope so that you will find enough no pain no gain quotes to stay motivated and to focus on achieving your goals.
Table of Contents
Best No Pain No Gain Quotes
It’s a general belief that it is necessary to suffer or work hard in order to succeed or make progress. For that matter, motivation is a key factor which can be achieved only through these no pain no gain quotes. Explore some best pain and gain quotes that might inspire you.
- Everybody wants happiness, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. –Zion Lee
- The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.
- Change comes with pain… But this pain later becomes a gain. To explain it well, “no pain, no gain”! Endure the pain and make a difference! –IsraelmoreAyivor
- New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. –Lao Tzu
- The stretching of your faith is immediate pain that results in ultimate gain. It is in the waiting that we become who we are meant to be. –Mandy Hale
- Pain has been never been a gain… it has been the thing which stops people. –Deyth Banger
- Merely to live without a pain is little gladness, little gain, ah, welcome joy tho’ mixt with grief the thorn-set flower that crowns the leaf. –Dan Simmons
- Embrace the pain to inherit the gain. –Habeeb Akande
- If you don’t like don’t do it. But don’t forget that: NO PAIN NO GAIN. –Serge Nubret
No Pain No Gain Quotes for Instagram Captions
Find the best no pain no gain quotes from our collection which suit you best. You can download, copy and even share it on Instagram and other social media websites with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. Let’s take a look at few pain and gain quotes we’ve listed for you.
- We cannot learn without pain.
- Someday this pain will be useful to you.
- Don’t quit. You’re already in pain. You’re already hurt. Get a reward from it.
- If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm. –Warren W. Wiersbe
- Pain changes people but it also makes them stronger.
- Complaining is a vain way of explaining pain without gaining relief. Keep complaints distances away from you. –IsraelmoreAyivor
- Poetry and beauty are born out of pain. This is their glory, this is our gain. –S. Tarr
- Rain and Pain never go in Vain! They are just tests before we see GAIN. –RVM
No Pain No Gain Quotes for Motivation
When someone experience a terrible setback in their life, such as a business failure or a devastating heartbreak. They may feel bad for a while, but with the passage of time and no pain no gain quotes, they will change and evolve into a new, better version of themselves. Let’s review some pain and gain quotes in the following section:
- You’ve got to be centered on Christ. It’s a work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit forms Jesus within us. No cross? No crown. No pain? No gain. No way around it – if there was a shortcut, I’d know it and I’d tell ya. –John Corapi
- When you complain, you explain pain for no gain. Endure and balance yourself through the pain, be hopeful, and persist to the end. –IsraelmoreAyivor
- Leaders are interested in gains. However, they acknowledge that there is no gain without pain. They embrace the pain. –IsraelmoreAyivor
- Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.
- Remember anything you want that’s valuable requires you to break through short-term pain in order to gain long-term pleasure. –Tony Robbins
- Short-term pain leads to long-term gain. –Charles F. Glassman
- Atheism – Your Gain, No Pain! –Ron Barrier
- I broke my heart for every gain, to taste the sweet I faced the pain. –Whitney Houston
No Pain No Gain Quotes for Exercise
Many individuals are unaware that these golden no pain no gain quotes applies to each and every aspect of your life including your gym, fitness, dating, finances, and mental health. Check out these pain gain quotes and get inspiration to exercise harder in order to achieve your fitness.
- Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.
- No pain, no gain. –Angela Khristin Brown
- Endure the pain, enjoy the gain.
- Today’s pain is yesterday’s latent gain we did not take. –Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- People will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure. –Tony Robbins
- No gains without pains. –Benjamin Franklin
- In life what you ASPIRE will TRANSPIRE – be it Loss or Gain, Sun or Rain, Joy or Pain. –RVM
- The Gain of Change should be More than the Pain of Change! –Rahul Badami
- Don’t quit. You’re already in pain. You’re already hurt. Get a reward from it.
No Pain No Gain Quotesfor Motivational Speech
Instead of seeing setbacks as weighty bricks in your mental backpack, you’re using them to construct stairwells that will one day lead to the clouds. These no pain no gain quotes are always ready to help you out. In this section, we’ve rounded up some pain gain quotes for you to use in a motivational speech.
- Eat bitter, taste sweet,” Frank said. “I hate that proverb.””But it’s true. What do they call it these days—no pain, no gain? Same concept. You do the easy thing, the appealing thing, the peaceful thing, mostly it turns out sour in the end. But if you take the hard path—ah, that’s how you reap the sweet rewards. Duty. Sacrifice. They mean something. –Rick Riordan
- I’ve been burnt, once or twice, when it comes to love. But what’s there to gain when we feel no pain? –Soroosh Shahrivar
- The Americans have the saying ‘no pain, no gain’ and that’s why they have no distance-running champions. They get down to the track with a stopwatch and flog their guts out thinking that it’ll make them a champion, but they’ll never make a champion that way. –Arthur Lydiard
- Often the thing that brings you the most pain is the very thing that will lead you to the most gain and your breakthrough. –Jeanette Coron
- The longer the life the more the offense, the more the offense the more the pain, the more the pain the less the defense, and the less the defense the less the gain. –Thomas Wyatt
- You have to hurt in order to know. Fall in order to grow. Lose in order to gain. Because most of life’s lessons are learned through pain. –Boonaa Mohammed
- A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain anything without sacrificing something else in return, but once you have overcome it and made it your own … you will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart.
- Prefer a loss to a dishonest gain; the one brings pain at the moment, the other for all time. –Chilon
More No Pain No Gain Quotes and Sayings
Once you apply these no pain no gain quotes properly in your life, you can achieve pretty much anything you want because they carry a tons of motivation and positive energy. Let’s have a look at few pain gain quotes we’ve gathered for you:
- If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm. –Warren W. Wiersbe
- Often the thing that brings you the most pain is the very thing that will lead you to the most gain and your breakthrough. –Jeanette Coron
- Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.
- The pain will leave once it has finished teaching you.
- A man’s enjoyment of all good things is in exact proportion to the pains he has undergone to gain them. –Cyrus The Great
- To succeed perseverance yells “pain to gain”. If you don’t take heed, you’ll end up slain!. –Manuela George-Izunwa
- I spend long days wearing a corset – but no pain, no gain. –Phyllis Logan
- A moment’s pain can be a lifetime’s gain. –Leo Tolstoy
- The old Chinese proverb springs to mind – No pain, no gain. –Marian Keyes
Final Thoughts on No Pain No Gain Quotes
We hope this list of no pain no gain quotes was exactly what you needed. Start seeing your dreams in this positive light, whatever they are. Every minute of pain and anguish, just like at the gym, will be rewarded afterwards. Pain is a sign that you’re progressing, so don’t be scared to experience it. These pain and gain quotes are here to help you all the way.
The pain in your muscles will strengthen them, the pain of rejection will teach you how to approach people better, and the pain of losing $1,000 will teach you many useful business lessons. One of the unwritten laws of the universe is that if you want to achieve something big, you must put out the effort and leave your comfort zone.
All of this will secure a success for you in future. Any area of life will necessitate those difficult repetitions and efforts. No book or piece of information can ever replace the experience you gather from your own life. Only these pain gain quotes are quite helpful in achieving your goals. So remember that it’s OK to fail, it’s OK to be stressed, and it’s OK to be perplexed. It means you’re getting better. We hope you will find this collection of no pain no gain quotes useful whenever you need it.
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