Home Improvement

9 Ways to Use Disinfectant Sprays to Keep Your Home Safe from Germs



If you spend enough time in your home, chances are you’ll run into some germs at some point. The key to keeping your home safe from sickness is to kill these germs before they get the chance to spread and infect anyone in your household.

A disinfectant spray is a cleaning product that helps to remove germs and bacteria from surfaces. They are commonly used in hospitals and other healthcare settings to help prevent the spread of infection. Using disinfectant solutions can help you do this, as they can be used not only on surfaces that are easily washable but also on ones that are difficult to clean, such as countertops and toilets. Here are 10 ways to use disinfectant sprays to keep your home safe from germs.

Clean Toys and Stuffed Animals

Spray the outside of the toy with disinfectant and wipe clean with a paper towel. If the toy is plush or has nooks and crannies, turn it inside out and spray the entire surface with disinfectant. Let the toy air dry completely before giving it back to your child. In between cleanings, you can place stuffed animals in the freezer for 24 hours to kill any germs that may be lurking.

Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling any toys or stuffed animals that have been sprayed with disinfectant. It’s also a good idea to keep a stash of disposable gloves on hand for when you need to deep clean your child’s toys. When in doubt, throw it out!

Purify The Air in Your Home

Start by purifying the air in your home. This can be done by opening windows and doors to let fresh air in, and by using a disinfectant spray on surfaces like door handles, light switches, and countertops.

You can also use a disinfectant spray to cleanse your floors by mopping with a solution of water and vinegar or using a steam cleaner. Another way to use disinfectant sprays is to freshen up your carpets and rugs by spraying them with a light mist of the solution. Let the spray sit for a few minutes before vacuuming it up. If you have any upholstered furniture in your home, you can use a disinfectant spray on it as well.

Remove Sticky Residue from Wine Glasses

It’s easy for the sticky residue to build up on wine glasses, and it can be tough to remove. But with a little elbow grease and the right disinfectant spray, you can get your glasses sparkling clean in no time. Here’s how:

  1. First, make sure your glasses are empty. If they’re not, pour out the contents and rinse them out with water.
  2. Next, spray the glasses with your disinfectant of choice. Be sure to cover the entire surface of the glass, including the stem.
  3. Let the spray sit on the glass for a few minutes so it can start breaking down the residue.
  4. After a few minutes have passed, take a clean cloth and wipe away the spray and residue.

Spray Your Showerheads to Prevent Mold

Disinfectant sprays are great for keeping your showerheads clean and free of mold. Simply spray the showerhead with the disinfectant and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, rinse the showerhead with hot water and dry it off. You should do this once a week to prevent mold from growing.

Clear Bathroom Windows

We all know how important it is to keep our bathrooms clean. But did you know that one of the most commonly missed areas when cleaning is the bathroom windows? A quick way to remedy this is to keep a bottle of disinfectant spray in your bathroom and use it on your windows once a week.

Neutralize Odors in Pets’ Bowls

Add a couple of sprays of disinfectant to your pet’s bowl before rinsing it with water. This will help to keep the bowl clean and free of germs. You can also use this method to clean up after your pet makes a mess on the floor; just spray and then wipe away.

Neutralize Odors in Trash Cans

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before putting on gloves. Then, spray the outside of the gloves with a disinfectant spray. Allow the spray to dry completely before putting the gloves on. Repeat this process between each task that requires gloves.

Make Gloves Germ-Free When Handling Raw Meat

Wearing gloves when handling raw meat is important for preventing the spread of bacteria. But if your gloves become contaminated, you can spray them with a disinfectant to kill any germs. Just make sure to let the gloves dry completely before using them again.

Alternatively, you have two pairs of durable nitrile gloves at hand. One can be for handling raw meat, and the other for other ingredients. You can also have more pairs for specific uses—for example, one pair for handling raw meat, one pair for vegetables, one pair for baking ingredients, and so on. That way, you can prevent cross-contamination, but you’ll still need to disinfect your gloves after every use to eliminate disease-causing germs.

Spray-On Shoes Before Going Outside

Before you leave the house, spray your shoes with disinfectant. This will help keep the germs from being tracked into your home. When you come home, take off your shoes and spray them again with disinfectant.

If you have a pet, spray their paws with disinfectant before they come inside. Before you prepare food, spray your countertops and cutting boards with disinfectant.  After you eat, spray your hands and face with disinfectant. If you have young children, spray their toys with disinfectant on a regular basis. If someone in your household is sick, make sure to spray door handles and other surfaces that they may have touched with disinfectant.


Disinfectant sprays are a convenient way to keep your home safe from germs. They are easy to use and can be used on a variety of surfaces. They are often more affordable than other cleaning products. They can be used on a regular basis to keep your home clean and free of germs. They are available in a variety of scents so you can choose one that you enjoy. You can find them at most stores that sell cleaning supplies. Disinfectant solutions are an important part of keeping your home clean and free of germs. We hope this article provides you with knowledge on how crucial disinfectant sprays can be in your home.

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