
169 Two Faced Fake Family Quotes to Help You Cherish Real Ones



If you’re seeking for two faced fake family quotes, you’ve come to the perfect spot. This post will provide you with a huge quantity of quotes for fake family that you will fall in love with.

You can pick your confidantes, but you can’t pick your family. When you know a family member is being deceitful, you may lack the bravery to confront him or her. These two faced fake family quotes can assist you in conveying your message clearly.

It’s lovely to have a large family until one of them displays their true colors and you realize your relationship with them was never genuine. When confidence is damaged in this manner, you will begin to wonder which of your close confidants is deceiving you. These two faced fake family quotes will motivate you to stay from people who have bad intentions for you.

The thing about quotes on fake family relationships is that they emphasize the actions that are frequent among two-faced family members. Reading them will offer you some ideas on who to avoid. They can also be used to send a warning message.

These two faced fake family quotes also suggest that such family members may appear to be your friend when you are around, but then speak about you behind your back. They are full with negative emotions such as greed, envy, and hatred for people around them, and as a result, they will take advantage of every opportunity to breach your confidence in order to achieve their aims.

Best Two Faced Fake Family Quotes of All Time

The essence of dishonest family members is that they always say negative things about you behind your back. So, avoid false family members and seek out genuine ones. You will learn a number of valuable lessons regarding this issue in these two faced fake family quotes.

  1. So, you want to sniff out imposters in your family? Just put money in the equation and see what happens. –Samuel Zulu
  2. Life is full of fake family and friends.
  3. Fake family are like clouds when they disappear, the day is much brighter.
  4. You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage. –Chinonye j. Chudolue
  5. Stay true to yourself. An original is worth more than a copy. –Suzy Kassem
  6. Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.
  7. Feigned interest is worse than brutal honesty. –Stewart Stafford
  8. The fake people do not dare to come out from their mask and face the truth of the real ones. –Ehsan Sehgal
  9. Fake people are like soap bubbles, they pop out when the sun shines brightly.
  10. Dogs teach us a lot of things but none more important than to love unconditionally.
  11. I am learning that some people are not worth my time, and some things are not worth my attention.
  12. Every coin has two sides, just like most people have two faces.

Sarcastic Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

After you’ve recovered from the shock of being deceived, you might wish to make light of the situation. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, learn from them and move on. This is what we learn from the sarcastic quotes about fake family given below.

  1. Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.
  2. No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. –Alice Walker
  3. Life is all about losing friends, the people you know. So, just that you get better at finding the ones worth suffering for. –Mohit Kaushik
  4. Nobody wants to know how you feel, yet, they want you to do what they feel. –Michael Bassey Johnson
  5. An honest enemy is better than a best friend who lies. –Vandi Tanko
  6. You should be aware of fake friends because it is the hardest to be aware of. –Eraldo Banovac
  7. Make sure the lions you roll with aren’t snakes in disguise. –Genereux Philip
  8. Anyone that hates on you is always below you, because they’re just jealous of what you have. –Miley Cyrus
  9. Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.
  10. Fake relationships and fake people coming up to me and all of a sudden wanting to be my friend. –Jason Ritter
  11. Some people are real. Some people are good. Some people are fake and some people are really good at being fake.
  12. Just like seasons, people also change. But the difference is, once gone, seasons come back. –Himanshu Chhabra
  13. How someone can fake their personality to just get into someone’s life.
  14. Time will show you who is real ones and who are the fake ones.
  15. Never depend on anyone because you don’t know when they will leave you.
  16. It is the best reaction to see on their face when I don’t let them use me.

Emotional Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

Betrayal is made considerably more painful when it comes from a member of your own family. You should confront them once you’ve discovered what they did. What would you say to a phony family member? You may use these emotional fake people quotes to let them know you’re aware of their two-timing behaviors. ‎

  1. Blood relations alone are not enough because a true family is based on love, acceptance, and honesty. –Samuel Zulu
  2. Yes, I may be the back sheep of the family but at least I am not faking it to be a white sheep which I am not to fit in.
  3. I love you dearly but I won’t let you destroy my life with your drama.
  4. If I am important to you, you won’t avoid me like a contagious disease.
  5. Your loved one can turn out to be the worst enemy you will ever encounter in your lifetime.
  6. It’s so sad that some people can lie to your face as if you are not blood-related.
  7. Your worst enemy will always come from within especially loved ones and not outside.
  8. Some people can pretend to be the white sheep in the family but their hearts are black like charcoal.
  9. I can’t understand why someone would deeply hurt another person as if they are cold-blooded enemies despite living in the same house.
  10. Sometimes, the people you love the most or are closest are the ones who hurt you the most.
  11. Have no time for people who want to make you as miserable as they are.

Deep Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

Have you come across deep quotes about fake family that seem strangely appropriate to your situation with a family member? You should be aware that friendships may develop inside families. Because your relatives may turn their backs on you and violate your confidence, it’s no surprise that some of these two-faced individuals statements express precisely how you feel about evil family members. ‎

  1. I grew up in a dysfunctional family. –Melissa gilbert
  2. Controllers, abusers, and manipulative people don’t question themselves. They don’t ask themselves if the problem is them…they always say the problem is someone else. –Darlene quimet
  3. You don’t have to leave your whole family in the past, just those who don’t deserve a place in your future.
  4. What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?
  5. Cutting people out of my life does not mean I hate them; it simply means I respect me.
  6. If you want my company, you better start being honest with me and yourself.
  7. They pretend all is well outside when nothing about them is well at all on the inside.
  8. Honesty and integrity are the best revenge you can give to fake relatives.
  9. Don’t worry about imposters. They usually expose themselves in due time under the right circumstances.
  10. What is the use of being around people who only want to see you fail in life and not succeed?
  11. When they act the way they do, don’t be surprised. What you are seeing is the mask finally falling off.

Toxic Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

A strong, long-lasting partnership is built on care and honesty. Families will disintegrate without them, and friendships will perish. All that matters are the true family members who stand by your side through good and bad, and these quotes about two faced family can help you distinguish between the real and the false. ‎

  1. A dysfunctional family is not a family at all, it’s a toxic relationship parading as a requirement.
  2. The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them. –Chris Jammi
  3. People only throw shade on what’s shining. –Genereux Philip
  4. Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back. –Michael Bassey Johnson
  5. It’s funny how you’re nice to my face. It’s hilarious how you talk s##t behind my back. And it’s downright comical that you think I’m unaware.
  6. Fake relatives will give you a fake smile to hide the evil intentions they have against you.
  7. Everything about them has to be forged as there is nothing real about them.
  8. The best way to expose them is to let a major event occur where money is concerned.
  9. Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself. –Hussein Nishah
  10. I wish people were like money so I could hold them to the light to see which ones are real.
  11. Backstabbers will almost always seek to gain your trust, and this usually involves some form of flattery on their part.
  12. Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
  13. Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don’t care but because they don’t.

Funny Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

Sometimes you need something funny to get back at your two faced family members. This is why we have compiled for you a list of funny quotes on fake family relationships.

  1. It’s funny how you think your family will have your no matter what but you turn around and tell them something but they turn around.
  2. It’s funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.
  3. They create their storms in their families and quickly blame you for them which is funny.
  4. It’s funny how you think your family will have your no matter what but you turn around and tell them something but they turn around and tell other people your business crazy.
  5. Our extended family is an integral part of our daily lives and connie and I welcome you with open arms. –Frank Jordan

Popular Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

Fake family members are like bad weather that pours down on your head, never missing an occasion to disappoint and make you unhappy in front of others. Those friends who are always seeking for a way to ruin your life. They will only be with you if they have worked; else, they will hide like a snake. If you want to know more about them go through the fake family member two faced fake people quotes below.

  1. All that fake and jealous family members can give you are lies, drama, and jealousy.
  2. People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention. –Keri Hilson
  3. Life is full of fake people but before you decide to judge them, make sure you’re not one of them.
  4. FAKE… It is the latest trend and everybody seems to be in style.
  5. Fake people are usually the first ones to claim they’re real.
  6. It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it. –Nicole Richie
  7. Pay close attention to the people who don’t clap when you win.
  8. People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.
  9. It’s ok to distance yourself from drama queens out of respect and love for the sake of your peace and harmony.
  10. It’s better to spend quality time with your pet than with shadows or ghosts.
  11. Fake families hate you when you are real but will love you with fake love when you conform to their wishes.
  12. I thought you will be there for me when I needed you most but you proved me wrong even though we are blood-related.
  13. When they show you their true colors, kindly believe them and take action to avoid being hurt by them.
  14. You may be married to a star, but that doesn’t mean they’ll treat you like one. –Jess C. Scott
  15. If your actions are dictated by who might be watching, they’ll never be genuine—and neither will you. –Vincent H. O’Neil
  16. Humans are more venomous than snakes. –Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil
  17. Unworthy sacrifice takes away self-satisfaction. –Sonal Takalkar
  18. There should never be a time you make time for people who waste your time. –Carlos Wallace

Famous Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

You might be startled to learn that some renowned people have been betrayed by those they care about. There is a lot of literature and music about betrayal from intimate friends and relatives. These are some famous fake relatives quotes from renowned leaders, writers, artists, and celebrities that properly explain how phoney and arrogant people are. ‎

  1. Stay away from fake people because you don’t know when they will throw you.
  2. Trust in their action, not on words.
  3. It is better to stay alone rather being around with people who don’t value and respect you.
  4. Once I trusted you but you broke it and now, I prefer to stay away from you.
  5. Walk away from people who just care about themselves.
  6. Don’t become so nice in this world where all are wearing a mask on their face to fool you.
  7. Fake people always spread negativity but real ones spread positivity.
  8. Don’t pretend to be real because I know you are here for your own benefit.
  9. Difficult situations in life always prove who the real ones are and who the fake one is.
  10. Some people come in your life to spread darkness so stay away from them.
  11. Fake people will fade away when you are in trouble only real ones will remain.
  12. Make a distance from the people who only come to you when they need something from you.
  13. Don’t spend your precious time with fake people because you have important things to do in life.
  14. Fake people will always hate you because you are better from them so move forward and stay away.
  15. Fake people come to your life to teach you a lesson that doesn’t trust anybody easily.
  16. You use me I will throw you if you stay loyal to me, I will respect you.
  17. Fake people are like costume jewelry: They look great for a while, then all of a sudden, their true selves ‘Shine’ thru. –Nitya Prakash
  18. Some humans spend their whole lives making something that isn’t real look like something that is. –Anna Banks
  19. Your enemies are not so far from you. They laugh with you; they give you advice and they eat with you. God expose them. –Gugu Mofokeng

I Hate Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

I hate fake family quotes are also trending these days. You must remember that someone who truly loves about you would encourage and support you rather than making you feel horrible about yourself. If this individual constantly criticizes you or makes fun of you, the friendship is poisonous and should be ended. ‎

  1. I prefer to surround myself with people who reveal their imperfections, rather than people who fake their perfection.
  2. I hate the fact that some people get judged for being real while some are getting loved for being fake.
  3. I hate fake people. You know what I’m talking about. Mannequins. –Jarod Kintz
  4. I hate those who play with feelings of others. –Dominic Carey
  5. Every person is built like a computer, and the delete key is there for a reason.
  6. The trustworthy will always stabs at your back.
  7. I hate people when they pretend to be nice to you and later leave you because you have no use to them.
  8. Fake people always stay with you in your good times and leave you in your bad times.
  9. Oh, That’s funny. I swear last week you said you hated her. Now you’re best friends?
  10. They don’t miss you when you’re gone, they miss you when you move on.
  11. An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.
  12. Don’t tell me what they say about me. Tell me why they feel comfortable telling you.
  13. You’ll be surrounded by many so-called well-wishers during your good times but there’ll be only a few ones around you in your bad times.
  14. If everyone is real, then I must be fake because I am not like them.

Two Faced Fake Family Quotes and Memes

Two-faced people are hypocrites and dishonest, always hiding their true intentions behind a mask. They are liars who display “one face” at one moment and “another face” at another. They never tell the truth to a friend, coworker, or in relationships. If you want to teach them a lesson use these fake family memes.‎

  1. Families are homes built on a foundation of trust and love a toxic family can never be home because the foundation doesn’t exist.
  2. Family is where you’re meant to be most free. Don’t let blood chain you down.
  3. In the beginning, some people try to appear that everything about them is “in black and white,” until later their true colors come out.
  4. The best way to stop being frustrated is to not expect anything from someone.
  5. The strong-minded rise to the challenge of their goals and dreams. The weak-minded become haters. –Steve Maraboli
  6. Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater. –George Washington Carver
  7. I got my own back. –Maya Angelou
  8. Learn to use the criticism as fuel and you will never run out of energy. –Orrin Woodward
  9. Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away. –Ismail Haniyeh
  10. Knowledge planted in truth grows in truth. Strength born of peace loses nothing to hate. –Aberjhani
  11. Time passes and you begin to see, people for who they really are and not who they pretend to be. –Scarlet Koop
  12. If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it’s ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on. –Germany Kent
  13. He who is jealous, is never jealous of what you see, with what is imagined is enough. –Jacinto Benavente
  14. Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being behind the gun. –Tupac
  15. The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you. –Bette Midler
  16. Betrayal is common for men with no conscience. –Toba Beta

Two Faced Fake Family Quotes and Status for WhatsApp

Two-faced family members are filled with bad feelings such as greed, envy, and hatred for, and as a result, they will take every opportunity to breach your trust in order to achieve their ambitions whenever possible. Using this fake family status for WhatsApp, let these folks know you’re aware of their existence. ‎

  1. When you walk away from a toxic family, you begin the journey of finding your true people.
  2. To face our enemies, we need power, but for family and friends, we need more power.
  3. Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me.
  4. If you don’t stay real to me then leave me alone.
  5. Nice words and a nice appearance don’t conclude that someone is nice, I believe that the nicer you look, the more deceptive you appear.
  6. Everything is fake nowadays, fake relationships, fake feelings, fake friends, even fake relatives.
  7. People wear a mask of lies so they look attractive, so be careful.
  8. There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. –Jane Austen
  9. Betrayal is never easy to handle and there is no right way to accept it. –Christine Feehan
  10. I love fake people provided they are mannequins. –Pushpa Rana
  11. life is too short for fake butter or fake people. –Karen Salmansohn
  12. If I doubt your intentions, I will never trust your actions. –Carlos Wallace
  13. When you see the genuine, you don’t deal with the fakes anymore.
  14. How you choose to feel today should not be dependent on others.
  15. Choosing to cut someone out of your life can be a hard decision, but these sayings may help you decide just how to follow through.
  16. A simple way to protect from fake people is never to trust someone who used you twice.
  17. The more inhuman we became the more we understood each other as humans.
  18. It is not my role to expose the fake people in due time, they will expose themselves for who they really are.

More Two Faced Fake Family Quotes and Sayings

Fake two faced family quotes may be the only method to express your actual feelings about the two-faced individuals in your life. You will be inspired to leave toxic friends and family members that do not support you after reading a related quotation. Here are a few examples of those quotes. ‎

  1. You may feel guilty for leaving your family behind, but you’ll never regret moving yourself forward.
  2. The black sheep blazes the trail for other family members to follow when they finally see the wolf.
  3. Not all that glitters is gold when it comes to family members.
  4. Yes, you can still love and influence them positively from a distance but don’t get caught up in their deceit.
  5. Stay away from anyone who makes your life a living hell on earth.
  6. Most people want to see you do better, but not doing better than them. –London Mond
  7. Sometimes you just have to turn around, give a little smile, throw the match, and burn that bridge.
  8. One of the biggest flaws of people is pretending to be blind to their own mistakes, but do not pretend deaf towards the mistakes of others.
  9. Shattered legs may heal in time, but some betrayals fester and poison the soul. –George R.R. Martin
  10. What’s the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside? –Jess C. Scott
  11. A person’s character is shown through their actions in life not where they sit on Sunday.
  12. Don’t become so nice in this world where all are wearing a mask on their face to fool you.
  13. Don’t trust everything that you see because there are many things that you don’t know about them.
  14. When you fall fake people will smile but true ones will always help you to get up.
  15. You don’t know what are they hiding in their heart so don’t trust until you find.
  16. Don’t share your weaknesses because you don’t know who will use them against you.

Final Thoughts on Two Faced Fake Family Quotes

Thank you for going through the two faced fake family quotes we shared with you. These two faced fake family quotes can help you distinguish between those who are genuine and truthful and those who aren’t. All that matters are those true family members that are there for you through thick and thin! ‎

Some innocent people throughout the world are living with two-faced phone friends or family members that constantly mistreat them. If you’re in a friendship with a family member and don’t feel completely supported or appreciated, it may be time to stop the connection gently. If you ever find yourself in this circumstance, try these quotes on fake family relationships to re-establish your trust in yourself and your capacity to attract healthy connections. ‎

When you share one of these statements, anyone who replies defensively may be guilty of something bad behind your back. Betrayal often comes from people you least anticipate, so use these quotes for fake family to inspire you to develop a narrower network of confidantes.

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