
Top Fitness Exercises for Online Gamers: 5 Exercises Gamers Should Try for a Healthy Lifestyle



Pro gamers have often had to stop in the middle of a game to flex their wrists and hands to ease discomfort. However, healthy gamers have mastered (consciously or subconsciously) how to exercise their limbs to improve their gaming routine.

Gaming hardly stresses your hand or wrist muscles half as much as weight-lifting at the gym. But it’s enough to cause pain and cramps with time. However, you don’t have to worry. The seven hand exercises we’ll show you here can help you stay healthy and avoid unnecessary discomfort.

1. Joint Distraction Stretch

Before you explore the latest non-GamStop slots or your PC games, consider doing a joint distraction stretch to ease your limbs. Begin by relaxing your hand while facing your palm towards your chest. Hold the tip of your thumb with your other hand.

Lightly pull on it so that you’re extending your thumb outward. Hold that posture for ten seconds, then take turns repeating the exercise on your other fingers and thumbs on either hand. You can also run a joint distraction stretch on your wrist. To do this, you want to relax your hand in front of the rest of your body and your palm facing you.

With the other hand, hold the hand facing you close to the wrist joint and pull outward. Pull that region slightly until you experience some uneasiness. Repeat this stretch severally, then turn to the other hand and replicate the same procedure.

2. Prayer Position Stretch

The prayer position stretch helps players loosen up their wrists and forearms. To execute this exercise, place your fingers and palms together with fingers facing upwards and elbows facing outward in a prayer posture.

Keep this position for 30 seconds or more. Next, you can increase the drill’s intensity, slowly lowering your hands while keeping them in place.

3. Reverse Prayer Position Stretch

For this exercise, retain the position you held for the prayer position stretch. The difference here, however, is that you’re going to press the backs of your hands together with your fingers facing down.

Maintain this stretch for at least half a minute. Afterward, slightly increase the intensity by gently raising your hands while keeping them together, and your elbows pointed outward.

4. Thumb Extensor Stretch

Take your thumb into the palm of the same hand and close your fingers over it. Slowly, start by bending your wrist toward the outside of your hand (where your pinky finger is).

You’ll likely feel this exercise impact your thumb alongside the forearm area close to your thumb. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then repeat, on the other hand.

5. Supine Flexors Stretch

The supine flexors stretch involves separate exercises for each hand. Begin with your left side; keep your elbow extended and your palm facing upward. Then, with your right hand, gently pull on the bottom half of your fingers as if you wanted to pull your wrist downward.

It’ll cause slight uneasiness but shouldn’t cause any pain. Reduce the pressure if you feel any pain. Keep this position for 30 seconds, and then repeat on your right hand.

6. Pronated Extensions Stretch

The supine flexors and the pronated extension stretches mirror the same postures. However, in the pronated extension stretch, your hand faces downwards instead of in the opposite direction.

With the other hand, softly pull down on the outside of your fingers so your wrist is slowly lowered, and you feel the stretch’s impact on the top part of your forearm. Hold this position for 25 – 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

7. Wrist Joint Circles

The wrist joint circles involve extending both hands out and gently rotating your wrists in a circle. Perform up to 20 circles rotating them clockwise, and 20 circles rotating them counterclockwise. Repeat from time to time to strengthen your wrists and adapt them to the typical gaming experience.


These gamers’ fitness exercises might not break a sweat, but they can help your gaming experience remain strong, no matter how long you stay playing with your friends and enemies. Doing these hand exercises won’t only help you avoid various forms of discomfort during long playing streaks.

They’ll also help you avoid stopping halfway into a game to halt the excitement to cope with a pulsating wrist or numb fingers. Luckily, these helpful exercises aren’t challenging for virtually any healthy gamer. Consider running these tasks as often as possible to stay healthy even when you aren’t facing your PC or console battling the enemy.

What exercise do you find most intriguing or easy? What other drill would you want to see on this list? Let’s hear your comments and get the conversation going in the exciting world of online gaming.

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