
153 Deep One Side Love Quotes for the Bitter Experience



If you have been looking for one side love quotes you have come to the right place. In this post, we will be sharing with you a large number of one side love quotes that you will fall in love with.

Have you ever been in love with someone who did not reciprocate your feelings? It’s quite likely the most agonizing thing that could happen to someone. Some individuals refer to this as being “friend-zoned.” It occurs when someone you care about regards you as if you’re just a pal. This circumstance is generally seen in movies, when the protagonist falls in love with the other in the end, however this happy ending does not occur in real life situations.

Most of us have this impression that if we love someone we will be loved by them too. This is why we keep on loving that person without backing out, hoping against hope that it may change their minds about us. One-sided love is unquestionably unappealing. However, as these one sided love quotes tell us, this should not stop us from loving someone every day.

One side love quotes also tell us that love is absolute. It does not ask for anything in exchange. We should have the ability to freely love people. It won’t be easy; but that’s what makes love genuine. Don’t let one-sided love make you sad by lowering your self-worth. ‎

If you love a person who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, read these quotes about one side love, which can assist to alleviate your sorrow and motivate you to continue loving no matter what occurs. ‎

Best One Side Love Quotes of All Time

Let us start this list by sharing with you some of the best one sided love quotes. These quotes for one sided love are perfect for all type of situations you find yourself in when you are involved in a one-sided affair.

  1. I’ll never leave your side, until one day you’ll always see me beside you and finally embrace me with your love.
  2. My joy is severed because of you, my pain is amplified because I loved you.
  3. I don’t know what´s going to happen in destiny. All I know is that I like you and that I want you by my side.
  4. It’s amazing how you could just accomplish so many things by doing nothing. That’s what you do to me when you make me smile just by smiling.
  5. Being in love with someone who doesn’t even know you exist isn’t the worst thing in the world. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Almost like passing in a term paper that you know sucked, but having that period of time where you haven’t gotten your grade back yet — that kind of exhale where you haven’t been rejected, although you pretty much know how it’s going to turn out. –Tonya Hurley
  6. If someone doesn’t fight to keep you, never fight yourself to stay.
  7. Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.
  8. I’m tired of loving you and hoping you’ll do the same.
  9. My greatest fear is not the monsters under my bed but it is when you said that you could never love.
  10. One of the greatest pain and agony is being in one sided love with someone. –Anurag Prakash
  11. Ever wondered how do you kill yourself without actually dying? Simple. Love someone who doesn’t love you back. –Faraaz Kazi
  12. You never know what you have until it’s gone.
  13. Loving you is like living inside a storm. In the end, I can only come out damaged.

Deep One Side Love Quotes

Let us now take a look at some deep one sided love quotes. Our feelings and emotions are a God gifted since no one can ever have enough of them. However, when they are one-sided, this benefit may become a source of suffering for you. If you’re in a love affair like this, here are some profound one side love messages for you.

  1. Every morning reminds me of all the wrong dreams I had been chasing all my life until I found the right one – YOU. Good morning.
  2. A wounded deer leaps highest. –Emily Dickinson
  3. It hurts, and I cannot fathom the reason why you hold my joy so much in your hands.
  4. A person doesn’t know true hurt and suffering until they’ve felt the pain of falling in love with someone whose affections lie elsewhere. –Rose Gordon
  5. If you want me falling for you, then you have to give me something worth tripping over.
  6. It’s so ironic. The people in my life who say, ‘I’m always going to be here for you.’ are the ones that walk away first.
  7. I hate myself for loving you but I hate it more to know you don’t love me as much as I love you.
  8. My worst habit is you.
  9. You can sacrifice and not love. But you cannot love and not sacrifice. –Kris Vallotton
  10. All relationships have one law: Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you’re there. –Anmol Andore
  11. Loving someone who doesn’t love you in return… is like trying to fly with a broken wing.
  12. Sometimes it’s better to keep silent than to tell others what you feel,
    because it hurts badly when you come to know that.
  13. She doesn’t know that her one smile can make my day brighter.

Sad One Side Love Quotes

In this section, we are going to share with you some sad one sided love quotes. When you get involved in a one sided love affair, you keep attempting to elicit the same emotions in your beloved’s heart and you don’t give up even if they don’t reciprocate your feelings. Your ego is hurting but you don’t move on. If you are going through such anguish, these pain of one sided love quotes are definitely what you need. ‎

  1. Anyone can slay a dragon, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That’s what makes a real hero. God bless and Good Morning!
  2. Which of these resonated with you best? Do you have any other to add to the list? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
  3. Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one-sided expectations can mentally destroy you.
  4. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Thus, I’m insane because of you, I just can’t stop hoping.
  5. If you don’t receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it. –Robert Goolrick
  6. I’m not saying that I think of you constantly, but I can’t deny the fact that each time my mind wanders, it always finds some way back to you.
  7. I still love her and I still believe her.
  8. I didn’t become heartless, I just became smarter. My happiness will not depend on someone else, not anymore.
  9. It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can’t have them in your arms. –Belinda Hernandez
  10. Why did you leave me when you promised to hold my hand forever?
  11. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else. –Poise
  12. Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him.
  13. It is better to be alone, than being with someone who makes you feel alone.
  14. I love you even if you don’t love me back.

Funny One Side Love Quotes

To cope with a one-sided affair, it is often necessary to be caustic and humorous. This masks the anguish you’re experiencing all the time. If you’re one of such folks, we’ve gathered a selection of on one side love funny quotes for you. These one sided feelings quotes will provide you with a completely new perspective on one-sided love. ‎

  1. Seeing you with someone else is the definition of hell.
  2. Please don’t forget me and all the things we did.
  3. One-sided love is beautiful. No expectation, nothing is returned, just pure love. Yes, it hurts, no doubt. But nothing can be as wonderful as a one-sided love story.
  4. A beautiful day is waiting outside your door. So, wake up and be a part of it. Your life will be full of love on this day. Good morning!
  5. It’s funny how a person can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces.
  6. The most painful thing ever is having feelings for someone you can’t be with.
  7. I wish I hadn’t been so blinded in love and listened to my mind instead of my heart.
  8. Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it? –James Patterson
  9. I’m not sure what scare me more, that you will never start loving me, or that I will never stop loving you. Too sad to miss you, too bad to lose you, too hard to forget you! –Amogh Tiwari
  10. I’m not sure what scares me more, that you will never start loving me, or that I will never stop loving you.
  11. When people treat you like they don’t care, believe then. They don’t!

Short One Side Love Quotes

Let us now go through some short one sided love quotes. It’s never easy to have one-sided love. Your heart doesn’t comprehend you and continues to anticipate love from your beloved. Here are some one side love short quotes that you can use to give vent to your feelings in such situations.‎

  1. Stop breaking your own heart for someone who isn’t even fighting to keep yours in one piece.
  2. Unrequited love differs from mutual love, just like delusion differs from the truth. –George Sand
  3. The one you and the one who loves you are never, ever the same.
  4. Maybe, sometimes, being friends is just not enough. Sometimes, maybe, I just want you to look at me the way lovers do.
  5. My life has been a continuum of unanswered prayers and you bear the largest portion of that.
  6. Unrequited love is the infinite curse of a lonely heart. –Christina Westover
  7. Falling in love is not my mistake, falling in love with you was my biggest mistake.
  8. It hurts when you have someone in your heart but you can’t have them in your arms.
  9. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you care for someone until they stop caring for you.
  10. It is better to be out of love than to be miserable in a one-sided love.
  11. It’s kind of funny how someone person can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces. –Kuhhrizma Clemons
  12. One-sided love all you can do is just look at your crush and smile like an idiot.
  13. Loved her enough to pretend otherwise. Loving someone who doesn’t love you in return, is like trying to fly with a broken wing. –Amogh Tiwari
  14. I love dreaming, because in my dreams, you’re actually mine.
  15. One of the worst things in the world is when someone makes you feel that there’s a chance when in fact there is none.

One Side Love Quotes for Him

Here are some more 1 side love quotes for you. It is human tendency to anticipate sentiments from others. When you love someone, your heart instinctively craves the same level of love or, at the very least, acknowledgement. But when those sentiments aren’t returned, you’re wounded, and there’s nothing you can do about it. If a guy doesn’t love you back, here are some one sided love quotes for him to help you understand the situation. ‎

  1. Since you’ve been gone I’ve been lost. Lost in a place where I only feel and see you and nobody else. Yet, this is the only place where I have you because in reality you’re not mine and to be true, I’d rather be lost than to live in a world where you and I don’t belong to each other.
  2. I was the one who loved you even though you gave me a thousand reasons not to.
  3. Your woman will feel butterflies when those sweet words find their way to that special place in her heart. Hopefully, these love quotes for her have helped you express how much love you have for your woman.
  4. People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love.
  5. I have to admit, an unrequited love is so much better than a real one. I mean, it’s perfect. As long as something is never even started, you never have to worry about it ending. It has endless potential. –Sarah Dessen
  6. Even though you didn’t accept me! my affection for you will never fade.
  7. It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.
  8. Her saying no is a punch in the gut. But her saying no and saying yes to someone else is a stab through the heart.
  9. It is not the separation that is unsettling but the stigma of being left alone.
  10. The worst feeling is you are searching for her but she is absent.
  11. I can’t unlove you. –Kenny Rogers
  12. Did you feel empty without her? Ask the counselor. He replied It feels like I have acid rain in my brain, and it’s killing the flowers of my heart. –Amogh Tiwari
  13. I tried to hate you but the only thing I hated is how much I loved you.
  14. My heart still melts at your very thought and I still love you. That will never stop.
  15. I never stop loving you. Just stop showing it to you.

One Side Love Quotes for Her

You cannot, no matter how hard you try, instill love for yourself in the hearts of others. Love is not something that can be forced; rather, it just occurs. If you are in a one sided affair and are looking for one sided love quotes for her, we can assist. Here is a lovely selection of 1 sided love quotes for you. ‎

  1. Every person has to love at least one bad partner in their lives to be truly thankful for the right one.
  2. I have died every day waiting for you darling, don’t be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more.
  3. I don’t really know why I’m still hoping.
  4. Would it be inhumane to wish you sadness, that I may bring me happiness?
  5. Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again. –Carol Rifka Brunt
  6. One fool falls for you.
  7. I cannot fathom congratulating you on finding love when I’m not the giver of that love.
  8. At some point, you have to realize that he doesn’t care, and you could be missing out on someone who actually does.
  9. The thought of you in somebody else’s arms kills me slowly every day.
  10. Break my face, my back, my arms, my neck. But please don’t break my heart. –Sarah Bettens
  11. I love dreaming because in my dreams you are actually mine.
  12. What nobody seems to understand is that love can only be one sided, that no other love exists, that in any other form it is not love. If it involves less than total giving, it is not love. It is impotent, for the moment it is nothing. –Andrei Tarkovsky
  13. You don’t understand that the thought of you being with someone else hurts.
  14. If kisses were a tree, I’d give you a forest. If hugs were leaves, I’d give you a tree. If love was water, I would give you the ocean.

One Side Love Quotes for Girls

To be in one-sided love is to have a mixture of hope and hopelessness that comes with having an intense romantic longing for someone who is unresponsive. It is difficult to be loved in this way, but the anguish of hope and hopelessness may become addicting and may be unconsciously pushed as a means of extending the connection. Here are some one side love quotations for girls. These girl one side love quotes are perfect for every social media platform.

  1. I’ve been in love with you since the very beginning. You asked why there isn’t anyone else in my life, and the reason … is you. –Julie James
  2. He will never know what he lost because let’s be honest; he never knew what he had.
  3. My life has never been the same since I met you.
  4. He’s the one I love, but he keeps ignoring me.
  5. Cute things to say to your girlfriend over text. My life has never been the same since I met you.
  6. It’s hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But it’s even harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.
  7. The worst feeling is falling for someone and knowing that they won’t be there to catch you.
  8. Unrequited love does not die; it’s only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. For some unfortunates, it turns bitter and mean, and those who come after pay the price for the hurt done by the one who came before. –Elle Newmark
  9. I’m happy for you, while feeling unhappy that I’m not the author of your happiness.
  10. Even though he spares me no thought, I just can’t stop loving him
  11. The pain of one sided love, of knowing that I had loved her more than she had loved me. –Sierra Simone
  12. Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again. –Carol Rifka Brunt
  13. I have a hopeless crush o someone I have no chance with.
  14. I have a crush on someone who doesn’t even know I exist.

One Side Love Quotes and Status for WhatsApp

You may believe that the entire goal of a one-sided relationship is for your feelings to remain one-sided. That is undoubtedly true, but in this case, we are discussing speaking out and expressing the object of your passion how you feel. That’s exactly what you want to do. So you might communicate your thoughts using social media sites like WhatsApp by creating a one side love status. For your convenience, below is a list of one sided love status in English. ‎

  1. They say, “love is beautiful”. But If I love you so much, why do I still feel lost?
  2. I want people to know how much you meant to me. That you’ll finally know the feeling of my misery.
  3. Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else. –Sarah Cross
  4. I don’t think it will be possible for me to forget such dazzling eyes which captivated my every dream.
  5. You like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can survive in a way that once-requited love cannot. –John Green
  6. I’ll do right by you and love you, continuously. But, I know one day, it’ll dawn on you and you’ll come to realize you love me too.
  7. Love isn’t always perfect. It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn’t always come easy.
  8. Loving you is like a drug. It’s addictive but soon it will destroy me.
  9. I hate that I’m always thinking about you when I know you probably aren’t thinking about me.
  10. Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in the drought which was useless and disappointing. –Himanshu Chate
  11. Unrequited love is a ridiculous state, and it makes those in it behave ridiculously. –Cassandra Clare
  12. You can’t just come into my life and start to matter and become an important part of it, and then just walk away leaving nothing but a hole in my chest.

One Side Love Quotes for Relationship Failures

I’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest quotations about unrequited love and rejection, heartache and loss that I could locate. These one side love failure quotes are inspired from classic literature, poetry, dramatic writing, renowned personalities, and anonymous souls. ‎

  1. There’s always going to be that one guy that no matter the distance between you two, no matter how long you go without talking; you’ll never stop loving him.
  2. Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. –James Baldwin
  3. To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves. –Federico García Lorca
  4. Perhaps unrequited love was a specter in the house, a presence that brushed at the edge of senses, a heat in the dark, and a shadow under the sun. –Sherry Thomas
  5. I’ll never leave your side, until one day you’ll always see me beside you and finally embrace me with your love.
  6. A hundreds of glances I give him each day, but not one I get in return.
  7. My silence is just another word for my pain. A love like I have for you, I’ll never, ever know again. –Vicki Case
  8. I did not know how long it took to get over such a love, and that even when you did, when you loved again, you would always carry a sliver of it in your stitched together heart. –Christina Haag
  9. Knowing that those big brown eyes won’t be looking into mine, kills me.
  10. I wish I could ignore you as you ignore me.
  11. I’m tired of loving you and hoping you will do the same.

One Side Love Quotes in English

One side love quotes in English are really important for your social media sites. Almost everyone will fall in love with someone at some time in their lives. There is no better method to express yourself to others than by utilizing these quotations. They are the only means for us to convey the sensations that are always locked inside of us.

  1. You lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you.
  2. Dear crush, please just smile at me as I smile inside every time I see you. And you’ll know how much power you hold over me.
  3. Don’t make someone your everything, if they’ve already made someone else theirs.
  4. Some say that one-sided love is better than none, but like half a loaf of bread, it is likely to grow hard and moldy sooner.
  5. Life is about hoping and missing. Though, with hope, I love you. But you love someone else and we both go amiss in love.
  6. If only you know how much my heart beats for you, then you’ll know your thrall over my heart.
  7. When you care for people more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve. –Stephen Kyeyune
  8. Desiring another person is perhaps the most risky endeavor of all. As soon as you want somebody really want him, it is as though you have taken a surgical needle and sutured your happiness to the skin of that person, so that any separation will now cause a lacerating injury. –Elizabeth Gilbert
  9. There’s always going to be that one guy that no matter the distance between you two, no matter how long you go without talking; you’ll never stop loving him.
  10. Having so much feeling on one person can kill you daily.
  11. The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit something your mind knows is a lie.

One Side Love Quotes for Instagram Captions

It’s difficult to adore someone who doesn’t reciprocate. Love is not love if it is not reciprocated. Allow yourself time to mourn and reflect, but don’t get stuck in a rut. You’ll discover a collection of clever and informative one sided love captions down below. These captions for one sided love have specifically been designed for your Instagram profile.

  1. I’m tired of wishing and hoping you’ll be true, I’m tired of dreaming about loving you. I want to live.
  2. People will hold your hand through the darkness but then let go when they find the light.
  3. Why am I afraid to lose you? When you’re not even mine.
  4. Those eyes that have been my sun, it pains to see them shining for another.
  5. I just hope, that one day, you’ll realize the reason why you should’ve loved me.
  6. I’ve never really known the word ‘hopeless’ until I met you.
  7. Unrequited love does not die, it’s only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. For some unfortunates, it turns bitter and mean, and those who come after pay the price for the hurt done by the one who came before. –Elle Newmark
  8. When you care for someone more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.
  9. No one is ever gonna love you, more than I do.
  10. One day, I’m going to disappear from your life, not because I got tired of being your friend but because I can’t bear to be just your friend. I’m sorry for being selfish.

Final Thoughts on One Side Love Quotes

Almost everyone has experienced the circumstance when they fell love a person one-sidedly at least once in their lives. If you’ve been involved in such relationships, you’ll understand how bad it is. When you love someone with your whole heart, it’s natural to expect the same in return. However, occasionally the individual does not return your love, which may be quite terrible. ‎

Worse, not everyone understands what the individual is going through, so sharing is out of the question. This is where these one side love quotes might help you get through the tough times. These quotes about one side love tell you just need to be patient.

These one side love quotes will also help you feel better if they relate to your scenario. Do not keep your feelings hidden for fear of being harmed. Use these one sided love quotes to express your feelings to your beloved and he/she may reciprocate your love one day.

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