
4 Easy DIY Candles to Make and Sell



DIY candle-making can be a fun way to explore a hobby that may also be profitable. Homemade candles are a simple and easy-to-make and they come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and scents. With the right candle making supplies, you can create a wide variety of candles that can be sold at local markets or online. Here are four easy candle types to make and sell:

1. Three Wick Candles

Three wick candles are a popular candle choice because they burn evenly and have more longevity than other candle types. Three wick candles are generally circular and have three wicks placed at different ends of the candle. While one central wick can cause a candle to burn down in the center, three separate wicks burn the whole candle, helping them last longer and prevent waste. 

With three wicks burning wax, the scent of the candle can fill up a large room and provide a bright flickering light source. As you make your candle, you can determine which scents you want, then add your essential or fragrance oils.

2. Tea Light Candles

Tea light candles are very small, one-wick candles that can be used for decoration, lighting, or heating essential oil. They’re often used to create accent lighting in a space. Because they give off a small flickering light, many are often lit at once to provide a stronger light source. They provide a relaxing low-light that is perfect for romantic dinners, evening baths, and decoration around the house. Unscented tea light candles can also prove useful in emergency situations like power outages, as they can be moved around easily.

Tea light candles are also used for practical purposes such as heating essential oils. Unscented candles can be lit and placed underneath a heat-resistant bowl full of essential oils. This low-level heat can warm the oils, which emits their scent into the room. Tea light candles can also be scented or tinted different colors. 

With the right candle making supplies, you can create multi-colored and muilt-scented tea light candles and sell them in packages. 

3. Pillar Candles

Pillar candles are candles that come without any kind of holder or basin to catch wax. They are often burned in candle holders or on sturdy spaces like hearths of a fireplace. These candles are self-supporting and most have a single wick. Pillar candles have a distinct look because their wax is fully visible and not covered by any kind of glass. As they burn down, the wax collects at the foot of the candle or around the sides, creating a unique look. These candles provide more light than tea candles, but less than three wick candles. Many people have several pillar candles lit at once to create accent lighting. 

Pillar candles are usually more for visual appeal, and are often unscented, but they can be made with scents and different colors. They may also be cheaper to manufacture because they are sold with only the candle and no glass container.

4. Wood Wick Candles

Wood wick candles have recently become popular for the audible element they add to the candle-burning experience. Wooden wicks pop and crackle lightly as they burn, which makes them sound similar to a fireplace. They are often made of thin, soft woods that light quickly and burn just like a traditional wick. Wooden wicks are perfect for scents that evoke comfortable, warm environments or natural, woody ones. They are perfect for readers who want the feeling of reading by the fireplace, but don’t have a fireplace themselves. 

Wooden wicks can be purchased from wholesalers who specialize in candle making supplies. They are used just like regular wicks in the candle making process and burn in the same way. These candles can be marketed toward those interested in a relaxing candle that provides light, scents, and a nice, crackling sound to accompany them. 

Candle Making Supplies for Unique Candles

If you’re interested in making a business selling homemade candles, you can utilize wholesalers to get your candle making supplies at an affordable rate. With these supplies in hand, you can use your creativity and put them to use in your own unique way. Whatever type of candles you choose to make, you can customize them with scents and colors that will make your customers want to come back for more

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