
Can You Track Time in Asana & How to Do It?



No matter what kind of a business you’re running, time is always of the essence. If you don’t manage it properly, your employees will keep failing to complete their projects in a timely manner and you’ll risk the success of your company. You want everyone to be productive, and time management will lead you there. Go here if you need time management tips.

Apart from managing time, you’ll also want to have a workspace where everyone can get access to all the important info and be connected with one another even if the team is working remotely. Needless to say, having a great platform that will connect your employees and allow you to easily keep track of all the projects is important even for a team that isn’t working remotely. Smooth cooperation is essential when doing business.

You understand that keeping track of the projects and of your team’s progress is significant, don’t you? Then, why are you still confused when word goes of the importance of time tracking? Being confused about things is a clear sign that you lack answers to certain questions, and such a lack can prevent you from setting your company up for success. For instance, if using Asana, you’re most likely unsure of how to track time with it. Fortunately, you’re one step away from roaming in the dark, and that one step consists of getting clear answers to what’s confusing you.

Why Is This Tracking Important in the First Place?

The general importance of time tracking might be eluding you. And, we have to change that right away. You’ll be happy to understand this, as it will, among other things, help you create better workflows, and make your employees more productive. As always, they’ll be as busy as bees, but they’ll get more work done this time. Plus, you’ll get to identify hidden costs and underperforming projects, which is how you’ll know when changes need to be implemented.

Read more about the importance of tracking here:

It’s not always easy to identify the need for getting more people on board. Having someone pick up the slack can sound like the perfect solution at one point, but that’s likely to take a toll on productivity in the long-run, since your staff will get overwhelmed. Optimizing your workforce is a must, and it will become a walk in the park upon introducing time tracking. Furthermore, this activity will reveal whether it’s smarter to hire a contractor or a permanent employee for a specific job, which leads to optimizing costs in addition to optimizing workforce. Higher profits, here you come!

Does Asana Have This Tracking Feature?

Since I have mentioned Asana, the dashboard that helps with project management and effective employee communication, you are now probably wondering one thing. Can you use this specific dashboard to track time as well? To be more precise, you want to know whether Asana has a time tracking feature.

No is the simple answer to that. You may think that this is a setback, but far from it. A dashboard like this one would never let such a thing hinder its performance. It may not let you track time per se, but it offers a seamless integration solution that we’ll explain a bit later. The time tracking integration option will solve any issues you may be facing, and it is just one of the aspects in which this dashboard can and will shine.

But Can You Track with It?

This may sound a bit contradicting, given that the answer to the above question is no, but this here is a yes! And it is a very strong yes, to be exact! While using, for instance, Asana, to manage projects, you’ll naturally be looking for a straightforward and simple option to track time as well. It’s not surprising that a great dashboard will offer such a straightforward solution, so it’s no surprise that you can, in fact, track time with Asana, and make the entire management much simpler. How?

Just find a time tracking software solution and integrate it with Asana. That way, you’ll still be using one platform for those project management purposes, but you’ll get to enjoy the added feature of tracking your team’s time, which makes this a win-win situation. It doesn’t get much simpler than that, does it? So, the answer to the above question is still yes, even though Asana itself doesn’t have the feature in question. Admit it, that’s the answer you were hoping for.

How to Do It?

So, you now understand that time tracking in Asana is actually possible, even though it does require you to add another software solution to the mix. You’ll have to find a program that allows you to track and integrate it with Asana. And, you probably wish to know how to complete the integration process I’m referring to.

If you’re like most people, you’re now thinking that the integration procedure will be nerve-wracking. It might, but it also might not – depends on the program you choose. So, clearly, you’ll have to begin by finding a piece of software that allows for this type of integration, i.e. that can be integrated with Asana specifically. Afterwards, you’ll simply need to follow the steps, which is the easy part since you’ll be guided through it all, complete the integration and start tracking time with Asana.

The steps will, as I’ve made clear, depend on the actual time-tracking software (additional info) solution you’ll choose. This hints at the fact that there are a plethora of programs available, and it is normal for some of those to be better than others. Naturally, you’ll need to make an informed decision here and give it your best shot to find the perfect option. If struggling to select the perfect program, and you probably are, know that you’re not alone in those struggles. And, also know that you’ll get all the help you need below.

How to Choose a Great Program?

Yes, it’s true that there are a plethora of programs you could use for these purposes. It’s also true that not all of them are of the same quality. That’s why you’ll have to spend some time exploring your options and researching those different time tracking programs that can be integrated with Asana. The integration ability is the first factor to check, but it is not the only one.

Sure, you can automatically ignore all of the programs that aren’t offering the Asana integration option. Checking those out would be a waste of time. Still, I cannot stress enough how important it is to not regard this as the only factor during the search. Think of it as of a simple elimination criterion, but don’t put all of your trust in it.

Apart from it, you should check all the specific features the programs you’ve come across possess, and research the providers of those programs. You want to work with trusted and well-reputed firms that can provide you with great quality time-tracking programs. Once you’ve done enough research on the different options, you’ll be ready to compare the info and decide which program you want to start using. That’s when you should do the integration.

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