
69 Best Appreciation Quotes to Say Thank You



In the long span of our life, so many great things happen to us that we can’t be grateful enough about. So many great people and memorable events occur that we always will be grateful for. Whenever someone is going through a tough time, it is like God then intentionally sends someone or something to make us feel better.

If you think about it, there are so many great people in your life that you never even imagined to have and so many great moments that you never expected to happen. Like that, there are so many things in life that we are grateful for and want to show our sincere appreciation. But along the path, we fail to show our sincere appreciation to those people and later regret that after they are gone from our life.

Appreciation is such a good way to express our love and sincerity to those people who helped us go through times that we thought we would never be able to go through. Through appreciating those people, we cannot only express our gratefulness but also deepen the relationship.

I am sure we all have those people in our lives that we will always be grateful for no matter what. We all know that feelings can change, but when it comes to that certain person, we can prove that for some things, feelings never change.

If you ever need some appreciation quotes that will help you express your gratitude and love for them, don’t worry because we got you!

Sweet Appreciation Quotes to Help You Express Gratitude

  1. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them. –JFK
  2. I appreciate you more because of the road I’ve traveled. My story brought me to you, and I wouldn’t revise a word of my past if it led me anywhere but to your door. –Aaron Polson
  3. Make it a habit to tell people to thank you, to express your appreciation sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it. –Ralph Marston
  4. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope! –Catherine Pulsifer
  5. You have influenced my life in such a positive way word cannot express my appreciation; you are truly an inspiration. –Catherine Pulsifer
  6. I couldn’t find a card that expressed my gratitude the way I wanted. I need a card that gives you a big hug.
  7. Gratitude can turn common days into thanksgiving. –William Arthur Ward
  8. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. –William Arthur Ward
  9. For my part, I am almost contented just now and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever. –Charlotte Brontë
  10. O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness. –William Shakespeare

We meet some people along the path of life that we always are and will be grateful for. No matter what, we will ever want to meet them and be grateful for having them even if we have to go through all that hardship of life.

A very simple way to find out if you are grateful to have that person is by asking yourself a very simple question. The question is that, “Would you go through all those tough times again just to meet that person?” If you are really grateful, the answer will always be yes.

I am certain that you all have that one person or more than one person for those you always will be grateful for. These sweet appreciation quotes are the best ways to show your gratitude towards them.

Teacher Appreciation Quotes to Send to Your Mentors

  1. A good teacher can inspire hope; ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. –Brad Henry
  2. Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care. –Horace Mann
  3. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. –Carl Jung
  4. Thank you for pushing the children in your class to always be their best selves — you are helping them become wonderful young adults!
  5. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. –Henry Brooks Adams
  6. The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. –Khalil Gibran
  7. Great teachers empathize with kids, respect them, and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon. –Ann Liberman
  8. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. –William Arthur Ward
  9. The best teachers are the ones that change their minds. –Terry Heick
  10. The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see. –Alexandra K. Trenfor

Teachers are one of the best gifts that we get in our life. Nothing can replace the mentors that we get throughout our lives. It is them who have a major impact on making us who we are today. It is for the great teachers that we can achieve so much in our lives as they taught us which paths to take to succeed in life.

We will always be grateful for our teachers and the mentors that we meet along the span of our life as they are the ones who shaped our lives by helping us form a strong foundation for our future.

If you ever want to express your gratitude towards your mentors but can’t figure out how to express it, then we definitely got your back. These teacher appreciation quotes will help you out in such situations.

I Appreciate You Quotes for Friends Who Have Helped You

  1. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. –Walter Winchell
  2. When it comes to true friendship, I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than you. I’ll always appreciate our connection.
  3. I appreciate your compassion and understanding. If you ever need a friend to listen to, I’ll always be here to return the favor.
  4. I appreciate your love, kindness, and support! Thanks for being a part of my life my friend.
  5. Hey man, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your presence in my life.
  6. We’ve known each other since we were teeny-tiny babies. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You make every day so special just by being a part of my everyday routines. Thank you for being my friend through all this time. I really appreciate it.
  7. It was always hard for me to meet new people. That’s why I appreciate you so much. Somehow you stay with me no matter what, and that makes me so happy, mate. Thank you for being the best friend in the world.
  8. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. –G.K. Chesterton
  9. The truth is, not saying ‘thank you’ does more damage than actually saying ‘thank you’ does good. –Tommy Wyatt

We go through so many hardships in our life, and during those times, our friends help us go through them. Without their support and love, it seems impossible to go through times like that. They provide us with the courage and strength that we need in order to go through those times and overcome them like a hero.

If you think about it, you all have one or more friends like that in your life. Friends always have been there for you not only in your good but also in your bad times.

The above appreciation quotes that we have compiled for you will help you show your appreciation towards them for the times they have helped you.

Employee Appreciation Quotes to Thank and Encourage Them

  1. The perfect employee lifts others up instead of pushing them down. Thank you for being a positive influence!
  2. I’m so grateful that you always take the time to help your coworkers. It’s really made our team come together.
  3. Thank you for being such a team player. We wouldn’t be the same without you!
  4. Thank you, X. I learned so much working with you last week at the end of quarter numbers, and hope we get a chance to work together soon.
  5. I want to let you know how much I appreciate the way you support our team, even with everyone working remotely. Thank you.
  6. I really appreciate how you use your skills and talent to get the whole team ahead. Kudos to your incredible performance!
  7. We appreciate that you worked overtime. Your intent to extend work hours to finish the job is exemplary. We are savoring the taste of success. You deserve a rest and some perks. Thank you!
  8. On Employee Appreciation Day, I want to recognize your hard work and exceptional commitment to this company. The value you have added to our team shows no end and deserves to be acknowledged. I look forward to new challenges that we can tackle together with great success.

We all have co-workers or employees who work hard all the time for the company’s success. No matter in which field you work, all of the employees or co-workers there surely work hard all the time. Sometimes, we forget to appreciate them for all the hard work that they put in.

Even a tiny bit of appreciation can make their day and encourage them even more to work hard.

If you ever want to express your gratitude towards your employees, these employee appreciation quotes are definitely the ones for you.

Self Appreciation Quotes to Make You More Confident

  1. I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unstained I am, the more I will respect myself. –Charlotte Brontë
  2. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. –Buddha
  3. Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worried. They just don’t let these feelings stop them. –T. Harv Eker
  4. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. –Ralph Waldo Emerson
  5. Self-esteem is made up primarily of two things: feeling lovable and feeling capable. –Jack Canfield
  6. Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. –André Gide
  7. Self-care is never a selfish act–it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. –Parker Palme
  8. Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. –Lucille Ball
  9. You are who you are. Don’t be ashamed of yourself. At all. Surround yourself with people who cheer you on. –Jessica Park

Appreciation should not only be for others but for you too. The most important person in your life is yourself. So remember to appreciate yourself, appreciate your character, and the achievements you have made. If you don’t appreciate yourself enough, you will lack confidence in yourself, which can be a huge barrier in the future.

Always appreciate your good and also your flaws because even your flaws are a part of you and have helped you become who you are. If you ever feel down and need a confidence boost, these quotes will definitely do the job for you.

Appreciation Quotes for Boyfriend to Let Him Happy

  1. Thank you, dear, for being there during my difficult times. I appreciate your beautiful act and you have been a helpful and lovely human being always!
  2. I am really very grateful to my love for supporting me through the tough times. I appreciate this humble act of yours and am thankful to God to have given such a dear person like you.
  3. Every day should be dedicated to appreciating you, for all of your time of investment in my life, you have invested so much love and care into me and I’m thankful for that, sweetheart.
  4. I don’t know how to really appreciate you for your care and all the gifts I’ve acquired courtesy of you, thank you so much, my king.
  5. I can’t find the right words to appreciate what you have done for me. Even if I put all the words in the world they are not enough. Thank you, my dear boyfriend.
  6. The moment you walked into my life, I knew you were the one, the love of my life. Thank you for not making me doubt myself, I love you.
  7. How lucky am I that my boyfriend is also my best friend? Thank you for sharing it all with me. I love and appreciate you so much.
  8. Even when I forget to say thank you, please always know that I do appreciate you and value you. You are the best boyfriend ever, and I thank God for you every day. I know I need to do a better job thanking you, so that’s what I’m doing now: Thank you!

It is our significant other who makes our life so exciting and beautiful. It is them with whom we make so many great memories that we will cherish throughout our life. They are also the ones who help us go through the hardships of life by continuously motivating us.

They are always there for us when we need them. But sometimes we fail to show our appreciation towards them. For times like that, these quotes have your back. The appreciation quotes that we have compiled for you will definitely make your partner happy and put a big smile on his face.

Appreciate Life Quotes That’ll Make You Feel Grateful

  1. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it. –Ralph Marston
  2. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. –Melody Beattie
  3. The Happiest people DO NOT necessarily have the BEST THINGS. They simply APPRECIATE the things they have. –Warren Buffett
  4. If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed. –Kanye West
  5. Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. –Al Franken
  6. I think you need to go through some stuff to really appreciate life and understand what it means to persevere, overcome, and have faith. I think those tough times make you a stronger person. –Judith Hill
  7. It’s ironic that when you go through a tragedy, you appreciate it more. You realize how fragile life is and that there are so many things to still be thankful for. –Adam Grant

There are so many events and people that we can’t but get grateful for in our life. Those things happened unexpectedly, but we will do anything to cherish them throughout our life. They have become such a big part of our lives now that we can’t even imagine our lives without them.

Like the people we meet throughout our lives, some events occur that we always will be grateful for. Events that help us shape our future and make us who we are.

These quotes will never fail to make you feel grateful for everything you have in your life.

Appreciation Quotes for Good Work to Keep Him or Her Motivated

  1. Opportunity comes to those who quit Waiting and start Looking. Success comes to those who quit Thinking and start Doing. Congratulations for Looking and Doing.
  2. Your work speaks volumes of the kind of man you are –efficient, organized, and result-oriented.
  3. Even the smallest of jobs well done will take you one step closer towards the success that you have always dreamed about. Keep it up.
  4. I genuinely appreciate how incredible you are and your work! Thank you for a job well done!
  5. The way you have put up all your efforts on this work deserves every bit of appreciation. You will be rewarded for your work! Well done.
  6. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled individual who can do fantastic things with your life. Continue to make us proud as you face new challenges and adventures.
  7. You have already set the bar high. This is perfection. Congratulations and Good work!
  8. A lot of people failed at what you accomplished, simply because they were busy finding problems while you were busy finding solutions. Well done.
  9. There are always people around us who are trying to do good work or follow their dreams. But sometimes, they do get unmotivated due to other people’s criticism or due to the constant pressure that they feel. At times like that, they surely need someone who will motivate them and help them move forward.
  10. If you want to motivate your friends or relatives to help them keep going, these quotes will help you out. These quotes will definitely encourage them and make them feel motivated again.

Final Thoughts on Appreciation Quotes

There are so many great things in life that happen to us that need to be appreciated as much as possible. But in our busy lives, we sometimes forget to show those people the appreciation and gratitude they deserve.

We should always appreciate the precious people that exist in our lives, the people who we met unexpectedly but grew very fond of. Make sure to show your love towards them in order to make them feel loved.

I am sure you all have some people in your life that you will forever be grateful for. If you ever want to express your appreciation, these appreciation quotes will surely be able to express it fully.

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