
139 Beautiful Angel Quotes for Instagram Captions



Angel quotes are seen to support and guide us in making the right decisions.

They invite us to think and do the right things. Read a few angel quotes each day to get inspired.

Angel quotes are always an excellent motivator for helping us strive to become our best self. We can have guardian angel quotes help us in many different ways. We’ve been blessed with angels to inspire and assist us. They look after us, serve as God’s messengers, safeguard us, take care of us, and are active in our lives in numerous ways.

Angels often help us in various ways, including as immediately answering our requests. Angels may be all about us, waiting to guard us from evil and provide us with health, love, and assistance with any other difficulties in our face. Though we may not realize it, but guardian Angels are everywhere in our lives, helping us strive for the best we can be. Even the most trivial tasks are within their reach and can be easily completed.

Therefore, we should always listen to the angel quotes that are there to help us. They give us permission to follow our good impulses and to be kind. Here is some of the angel in heaven quotes that might help you get motivation.

Best Angel Quotes All Time

Angels are widely regarded as divine figures who represent hope, innocence, and purity of heart in many different religions and mythologies. A selection of these angel quotes will encourage you and calm your soul. Here are few awesome guardian angel quotes from great people on angels that can make you feel better.

Allow these statements about angels to instill a sense of hope, peace, and comfort in you. These guardian angel quotes might encourage family and friends with this message.

  1. It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God alone. –William Blake
  2. No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me. –Paul Coelho
  3. Angels are inseparable friends, who bring strength and consolation to those who include them in their lives. In truth, angels are our best friends. –Janice T. Connel
  4. Angels are principally the guardians of our spirits. Their function is not to do our work for us, but to help us do it ourselves, by God’s grace. –Eileen Elias Freeman
  5. Angels exist in our lives every day, but unless we remember how to listen, we are not aware of their presence.
  6. If you want angels in your life, then first clean your own mind because angels don’t live in dirty places.
  7. Angels bring a heavenly dimension to everyday life.
  8. In scripture whenever angels appeared there was always one main thing that is mentioned: ‘to fear not’. –Sahne Callahan
  9. See yourself and others through the eyes of an angel and you will see a beautiful world that is light, bright, and hopeful. –Doreen Virtue
  10. Nobody’s perfect. We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels. –Jeannette Walls

Beautiful Angel Quotes for Instagram Captions

We all remember those days when life isn’t going the way we want it to be. They may be harsh, hard and unfavorable, but no worries because we have your back. We are here with beautiful angel quotes that can help you get out with motivation.

Here we have come up with a treasury of angel quotes and statements that will inspire you and support you. You can also add the angel quotes for Instagram to put a good impression on others too.

  1. When the angels come to visit us, we do not hear the rustle of the wings, nor do we feel the touch of the wings of the pigeon’s breast; But we know their presence that the love they instill in our hearts. –Mary Baker Eddie
  2. Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you. –Eileen Elias Freeman.
  3. Make yourself familiar with the angels and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you. –St. Francis De Sales
  4. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is REST and let your Angels wrap you in their loving wings. They’ve got you covered.
  5. Angels are heralds of eternity sent to help mankind breakthrough when they cannot break out. –Graham Cooke
  6. Angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love. 
  7. A feather, a cardinal, a butterfly too, are all signs your angels are visiting you.
  8. The world’s most beautiful angel is love inside your soul.
  9. When you hear music so beautiful it gives you chills, those are angel wings brushing against you. –Tiffany Reisz
  10. Angels shine from without because their spirits are lit from within by the light of God. –Eileen Elias Freeman

Inspirational Angel Quotes

The best way to handle life’s burdens is to lay back and let your angels cuddle you in their loving wings. Some of the angel inspirational quotes that can inspire you are listed below. Out of numerous inspirational angel quotes the best one are those which inspire you.

If you like this then here are a number of more for you.

  1. For every angel fluttering through the skies, there is a divine counterpart here on Earth. Each of us has a golden celestial-self just waiting to be awakened. –Sue K
  2. Follow your dreams, transform your life, and take the path that leads to God. Perform your miracles. Cure. Make prophecies. Listen to your guardian angel. Transform yourself. Be a warrior, and be happy as you wage the good fight. Take risks.-Paulo Coelho
  3. This is me. Don’t judge, don’t hate. I am who I am, I’m who God made me too be, an angel with a few scars and broken hearts and a voice that should be heard. I’m a solider and a fighter, I fight for love and I fight for those who need an angel too.-Courtney Hood
  4. An angel can illuminate the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision.–St. Thomas Aquinas
  5. I believe in angels that they’re always hovering near, whispering encouragement whenever clouds appear, protecting us from danger and showing us the way.
  6. To love is human. To feel pain is human. Yet to still love despite the pain is pure angel. –Rumi
  7. Positive thinking creates the doorway through which a guardian may step.
  8. You have lots of angels watching over you.
  9. If life becomes too much to bear, remember your angels are always there.
  10. When you feel lost, pause and look closely around you. Somewhere, somehow an angel will be waiting to guide you home.
  11. Angels can turn our darkness to light, help our dreams to come true, and our worries take flight, so pass them your burdens, give them your cares, they’re waiting to help you, just trust they are there.

Motivational Angel Quotes

Motivational quotes are there to be inspired from. They are not only words. But, these quotes about angels are something full of positivity. Even though you are ready to give up or find it difficult to motivate yourself to press forward, sometimes you just need that. A daily dose of motivational angel quotes might help you realize your full potential. Here are some on them.

  1. When you think your faith has failed you, all your hopes and dreams are gone, listen for the angel voice that whispers, “just hold on”.
  2. The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. –James Allen
  3. Be good! This will make your angel happy. When sorrows and misfortunes, physical or spiritual, afflict you, turn to your guardian angel, with strong trust and he will help you.
  4. Even when we are frustrated by our inability to understand a circumstance or event, there are unseen angels bringing comfort and protection as directed by the wisdom of God. –Mary C. Neal
  5. You can do something to change your life. Ask your angels to help.-Karen Borga
  6. The wings of angels are hope and faith. –Omar M Al-aqeel
  7. Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. –G. K. Chesterton
  8. As you travel life’s winding road, angels light the way and share the load.
  9. Your angels are with you, make your wish and let them hold your dreams in their loving arms.
  10. Believers, look up, take courage. The angels are nearer than you think. –Billy Graham
  11. Never ever think that your angels have left you they are with you right now and always will be.

Funny Angel Quotes

Fun is a good thing; it adds joy and smiles on people’s hearts and faces. Sometimes funny angel quotes are very must to get the right motivation in a funny way. If a person is happy then he’s healthy and always ready to face obstacles with velour and strength. So here are some of the quotes regarding angel sayings in a funny way.

  1. It’s too cold outside for angels to fly. –Ed Sheeran
  2. Angels cannot fly without a true soul like me.
  3. I’m worried my guardian angel is a crack head.
  4. Love is a dangerous angel.
  5. God not only sends special angels into our lives, but sometimes he even sends them back again if we forget to take notes the first time! –Jean Cocteau
  6. I think I’m the reason my guardian angel has drinking problem.
  7. It’s not easy to become an angel! First, you die. Then you go to Heaven, and then there’s still the flight training to go through.  And then you got to agree to wear those angel clothes.
  8. I believe most at-home accidents happens in the bathroom because our guardian angel gives us our privacy. –Cathy L. Poulin
  9. I am an angel, honest. The horns are just there to keep the halo straight.
  10. I’m on my second guardian angel. My first quit and is now in therapy.

Guardian Angel Quotes

We are humans and we do face ups and downs in our lives. The situations do not remain same. At one point we would be at the ninth sky overjoying the moment we have but just likewise we have moments of sorrow and that is where we have to look at these guardian angel quotes. The angel love quotes are the one that provides one with motivation and inspiration.

Following is the list of the best guardian angel quotes for you.

  1. I have a thing about angels. I believe in them. I feel like I have a guardian angel. I think everybody has one. –Sheryl Lee
  2. The guardian angels of life sometimes fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us. –Jean Paul Richter
  3. Every night and every morning thank your own guardian angel for peace and for the regeneration of all the cells in your body, and for joy. –Dorie D’Angelo
  4. You may see me as huge, or imagine me as small, I am right by your side, and will hear when you call, I am loyal and true, you can trust me to care, I’m your Guardian Angel, I will always be there!
  5. Our guardian angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us day and night, always and everywhere. We ought often to invoke them. –John Vianney
  6. When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel. –Charles F. Glassman.
  7. Being a guardian angel is an absolute blessing and gift. It will put a huge smile on your face knowing that you have had the privilege of playing a part in someone’s life.
  8. Everyone was born with a guardian angel who brightens our journey of life with divine love, protection, peace, healing, grace, strength, and, miracles. –Lailah giftyakita
  9. When tempted, invoke your angel. He is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! 
  10. Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him: He trembles and flees at the sight of your guardian angel. –St. John Bosco
  11. Your guardian angel knows you inside and out, and loves you just the way you are.

Short Angel Quotes

Short quotes are easy to read and understand. Do you want to have the best of all short human angel quotes? Are you more into short angel quotes? Then no to worry at all because we have listed the best of all short yet best angel quotes for you. Now grab one of it and seek the motivation.

  1. For truly we are all angels temporarily hiding as humans.
  2. I am ever under the gaze of an angel who protects and prays for me. –Pope Saint John
  3. Angels speak to those who silence their minds long enough to hear.
  4. I’ve seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. –Tracy Chapman
  5. It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it. –James Hillman
  6. Angels encourage us by guiding us on a path that will lead to happiness and hope. –Andy Lake
  7. Angels are like diamonds. They can’t be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique. –Jaclyn Smith
  8. The wings of angels are found on the backs of the least likely people. –Eric Honeycutt
  9. Angels mend our patchwork hearts with threads of love. –Terri Guillemets
  10. Humans become angels on earth, not in heaven. –Paramahansa Yogananda

You Are My Angel Quotes

My world changed on the day you arrived into my life. Gladness, joy and serenity were brought. How soothing no? Are you searching for you are an angel quotes? If you need more then such types of you are my angel quotes are mentioned below.

  1. When I say you are my angel, I don’t just say it; I say it to remind you that you are my world and the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  2. With all the love and joy you shower on me, I am sure you are nothing, but an angel.
  3. My angel, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that I want, the one that I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything.
  4. Girl, you’re my angel, you’re my darling angel. –Shaggy
  5. You are my angel and I love to see you smile, so, please don’t stop smiling. Because your smile gives me strength.
  6. You are my angel. You remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself. –Steve Maraboli
  7. You are my angel and my damnation; In your presence I reach divine ecstasy and in your absence I descent to hell. –Isabel Allende
  8. It is because of you, my angel, that I now understand all of those quotes about love.
  9. You are my angel, making every bit of my life beautiful each day.
  10. Butterflies are nature’s angels. You are my angel.
  11. You make me smile and you make my life beautiful in every way. You are my real life angel.

Angel Quotes for Girlfriend

It’s always nice to share angel quotes with your girlfriend. Are you seeking some angel quotes for girlfriend? If yes then you’ll exactly find my angel love quotes to send him or her nicest quotes about you. I feel that you can utilize these spectacular angel love quotes to instill your bond with her.

  1. God does everything with purpose. He created you, a beautiful angel, without wings only to make you stay with me forever.
  2. If I could write beautiful love quotes for you, I would. But, no quotes will ever be right for an angel as fair and beautiful as you are.
  3. When I saw you for the first time, I thanked God for introducing me to the most beautiful angel.
  4. Someone up there must be watching out for me, because they sent heaven’s most beautiful angel into my life.
  5. Not all angels reside in heaven. Some walk the earth just like you.
  6. From now! I will not call you my girlfriend. Because, for me, you are not a girl. You are an angel. Love you baby!
  7. Every minute I spend with you is like being in heaven and looking in an angel’s eyes.
  8. If she had wings, my girlfriend is an angel.
  9. If I knew I would be falling in love with an angel, I would have searched for your harder and found you sooner.
  10. My girlfriend is a party girl angel who can kick some arse and cook.
  11. When the angels ask what I loved most about life, I’ll say you.

Angel Quotes for Her

I adore you, I love you, and you look like an angel, you are a saint type quotes are the best to make your beloved blissful

Call your love an angel and use these you look like and angel quotes to make your beloved reach the ninth sky. Following the most appreciated of all. Find your angel quotes for her from my quotations from the angel.

  1. She’s a saint with the lips of a sinner. She’s an angel with a devilish kiss.
  2. I know fairy tales comes true, because I have you, angel.
  3. She could turn an angel into demon and a demon into angel.
  4. When the angels ask what I loved most about life, I’ll say you.
  5. You must be an angel. You look like one. You glow like one. You soar like one. And like the angel you are, you take me to heaven every time I’m with you.
  6. If an angel asked me to make a wish, I would ask for a greater length of days because I want to show you how much you mean to me every day.
  7. Whenever I see you, I feel like I’m looking at the most beautiful angel on earth.
  8. She was an angel craving chaos. He was a demon seeking peace.
  9. She’s a proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel.
  10. I feel blessed to have you as the angel of my life.
  11. She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings. –Atticus

Devil and Angel Quotes

Devils and Angels reside side by side in the universe. Consider some of these angel devil quotes that states we are on the earth and they tell us about the city; we are human beings, and they tell us about the angels and the devils; we are things that tell us of the spirit; we have five senses that allow truths and a faculty of reasoning to build upon them; and they tell us of dreams which our experience flattered thousands of years ago.

And if you are looking for more devil and angel quotes then you are here with loads.

  1. He who does not see the angels and devils in the beauty and malice of life will be far removed from knowledge, and his spirit will be empty of affection. –Kahlil Gibran
  2. It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui. –Helen Keller
  3. If a man is not rising upwards to be an angel, depend upon it, he is sinking downwards to be a devil. –Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  4. I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.
  5. Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.
  6. There are devilish thoughts in even the most angelic minds.
  7. Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love. –Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.
  8. I have an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other. I’m also deaf in one ear.
  9. Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t.
  10. When the devil became one with the angel, humanity was born.
  11. Even the devil was once an angel.

My Little Angel Quotes

We all need some quotes to bridge the gap between our loved ones and share our love. My little angel quotes will serve as a bridge to the topic about faith, God, and love. The lesson of love is remembered by reminding ourselves that the angels are merely messengers. So Following mentioned list contains some of the most beautiful little angel quotes that might be useful for you.

  1. He cracked a slight smile, but it didn’t look amused. I’m not letting you out of my sight. You’re looking a little deranged, angel. We’ll go together. –Becca Fitzpatrick
  2. You’re my precious little angel who makes me so happy to the point where I forget all my problems in life.
  3. Our little baby girl, you are a blessing, a gift from heaven above, our precious little angel, we will cherish and love you. 
  4. You will always be my sunshine, my little angel.
  5. Little angel, you’ll always be in my heart no matter what happens, and I will always love you.
  6. My little angel, you remind me of the goodness in this world and inspire me to be the greatest version of myself. I love you so much.
  7. Our little angel, you are the best thing I could ever have asked for. There’s no space for time, love and care by your side.
  8. Precious angel baby, may the road to fulfillment be full of love, joy and happy moments. You have the perfect family to love you forever.
  9. They say the blues is sad, but when B.B. sings ‘I got a sweet little angel, I love the way she spreads her wings,’ that don’t sound too sad to me! –Buddy Guy
  10. I used to dream of angels then you were given to me for keepsake and since then you have touched our lives with joy. You will always be my sweet little angel.
  11. It’s amazing how my child seems like such a sweet little angel when he’s sleeping and such a little devil when he’s awake.
  12.  You will love that little boy so very very much… even more than you love yourself. That little angel is why you call a son.

More Angel Quotes and Sayings

We can never get bored of reading more and more quotes. If you want to read more quotes about angels or any angel sayings, then these are the quotes I think will help you get the most out of it.

This list of warm and adorable angel quotes will melt you heart and will force you to feel every single word to its fullest.

  1. I believe we are free, within limits, and yet there is an unseen hand, a guiding angel, that somehow, like a submerged propeller, drives us on. –Rabindranath Tagore
  2. Our lives are albums written through with good or ill, with false or true; and as the blessed angels turn the pages of our years, God grant they read the good with smiles and blot the ill with tears. John Greenleaf Whittier
  3. Each day God sends his angels to guide us. We don’t expect to see them with wings. Instead they come in disguise & we call them friends!
  4. If you will keep your body in a worthy, receptive circumstance, you will be prompted, even have angels attend you. –Boyd K. Packer
  5. When it comes to leaving earth for heaven, there’s nothing to worry about. God wants you home so much that He’ll send His angel to meet you. And don’t be surprised if the angel is wearing a big smile. –Larry Libby
  6. Our valleys may be filled with foes and tears; but we can lift our eyes to the hills to see God and the angels, heaven spectators, who support us according to Gods infinite wisdom as they prepare our welcome home. –Billy Graham
  7. If a man expects his woman to be an angel in his life, then he should first create a heaven for her.
  8. When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they’re seeing angels.
  9. A house call from an angel can heal a broken heart.
  10. I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. –Michelangelo Buonarroti

Final Thoughts on Angel Quotes

Angel quotes are a great source of encouragement and they guide us in making the best decisions possible. They compel us to consider and act in the most appropriate manner.

Read a few angel quotes every day to keep yourself motivated. It is possible for guardian angel quotes to assist us in a variety of ways. It is our good fortune that we have been graced with angels to inspire and support us. It is they who look after us, who function as God’s messengers, who protect and care for us, and who are involved in our lives in a variety of ways. The above given collection of these angel quotes will uplift you and soothe your spirit on your journey through life.

Enjoy the quotes and we hope that some of the angel in heaven quotes given above would inspire you to be more productive in your life. If you loved these angel quotes do share them with your friends and family to keep them motivated.

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